Assessing Standards-Based
Learning in K-5 Mathematics
A Professional Development Workshop for K-5 Teachers in East Baton Rouge, July 2002-June 2003.
Produced at LSU by the Gordon A. Cain Center, the MathVision Lab and the Department of Mathematics.
Funded by LINCS, the Louisiana Department of Education and LaSIP.
Home Page.
Participant Teams. Teacher participants will work in teams to craft assessment modules. (This page has photos.)
Assessment Module Design. Guidelines for teacher teams to use for constructing assessment modules.
Resources. A page of links to information on assessing math in K-5, and more.
Log. A brief record of the workshop activities.
Contact Information. Includes staff phone numbers, email and mailing addresses and email addresses of all teacher participants.
COMAP: Bridges
TERC: Investigations
CESAME: Investigations implementation center

Assessment Resources

Investigations author Jan Mokros provides some advice.
An article from the October 2000 issue of SpotLight .  The author discusses the assessment materials that the teachers created.
Some ideas that may benefit Investigations students as they prepare for certain kinds of standardized tests, from the April 2000 issue of SpotLight.
An article from the October 1999 issue of SpotLight.
Discussions about various topics in Kindergarten and First Grade, from the CESAME site.  There is a link for assessment.
Discussions about various topics in Second and Third Grade, from the CESAME site.  There is a link for assessment.
Discussions about various topics in Fourth and Fifth Grade, from the CESAME site.   There is a link for assessment.
A description of the Investigations assessment source books.
An article about an assessment module for Grade Two, from HANDS ON!
From the Math Curriculum Center's site .  Look for the link called"Assessing Students' Mathematics Learning," and use it to download a paper by Ilene Kantrov that gives and overview of assessment issues.
"MARS" stands for "Mathematics Assessment Resource Service".  This is the MARS home page.
Page from the Math Forum; includes many further links.
A new book about the science of educational assessment.  You can read the book on line.



General Resources

Learn about the Bridges professional development curriculum.
The main page for information about Investigations in Data, Number and Space. See especially Examples of Investigations classroom/grade level/School/District Websites (including student work samples & video clips!), to see what's going on in some real classrooms.
The home page of the LaDoE. See especially the Making Connections Home Page.
Home page of... guess who.
The Louisiana Systemic Initiative's home page.


Return to the workshop home page.


This site was made by James Madden. Last updated Sunday, July 26, 2002, 6:00 PM. Click here to report problems/corrections by email.