Contact Information
Workshop Staff
- James Madden (LSU), 301 Hatcher and 348 Lockett, 578-1580 (office), 978-3525
(cell), madden@math.lsu.edu
- Frank Neubrander (LSU), 304 Hatcher, 578-7677, neubrand@math.lsu.edu
- Julie Nall (EBR Schools & LINCS),
- Nell McAnelly (LSU), 107 Peabody, 578-6689, mcanelly@math.lsu.edu
- DesLey Plaisance (LSU), 266 Lockett, 578-1654, DESVP@aol.com
- Costel Ionita (LSU), 305 Hatcher, 578-7444, ionita@math.lsu.edu
- Adina Ionita (LSU), 305 Hatcher, 578-7444,adina@math.lsu.edu
Click here to compose an email to ALL the staff members.
Participant Email Addresses
Click on a person's name below to compose an email to them. Unless otherwise
noted, the email address ends with the suffix "@ebrschools.org".
Click here to compose an email to ALL the addresses on the
participant list and all the staff as well.
Rochelle Anderson
Luz Aristazabal
Luz Aristazabal (@hotmail.com)
Lisa Bell
Lisa Bell (@msn.com)
Vickie Bergeron (@ebrpss.k12.la.us)
Danna Bouey (@yahoo.com)
Neta Burrell
Jennifer Cain
Jennifer Cain (@hotmail.com)
Belinda Cambre (@lsu.edu)
Gail Canova (@yahoo.com)
Constance Carroll
Anne Chaney (@cox.net)
Thais de Reyes
Thais de Reyes (@hotmail.com)
Laurelle Cliburn
Alice Efferson
Pauline Ewing
Pauline Ewing (@yahoo.com)
Barbara Favre
Michelle Fraser
Michelle Fraser (@aol.com)
Carolyn Guelfo
Carolyn Guelfo (@eatel.net)
Cynthia Ingolia
Cynthia Ingolia (@worldnet.att.net)
Elaine Jingles (@ebrpss.k12.la.us)
Karla Kiper (@bellsouth.net)
Brenda Loyd (@aol.com)
Kristi Marbury (@yahoo.com)
Patricia McBride
Maria Carmen Ortuno (@lsu.edu)
Jennifer Patterson
Carol Pickens
Carol Pickens (@CollegeClub.com)
Torry N. Richard
Douglas Samson
Douglas Samson (@cs.com)
Vivian Smith
Vivian Smith (@yahoo.com)
Lucia Snedigar (@yahoo.com)
Roberta Spradley
Roberta Spradley (@aol.com)
Kevin Zito (@hotmail.com)
Kevin Zito (@math.lsu.edu)