| NSF DMS | 2013 | Oliver Dasbach | Invariants for knots, and graphs on surfaces |
| NSF DMS | 2013 | Pat Gilmer | TQFT and Low Dimensional Topology |
| NSF DMS | 2012 | Pallavi Dani | Filling invariants for groups |
| NSF DMS | 2012 | Shea Vela-Vick | Contact geometry, Heegaard Floer homology and open book decompositions |
REU Grant | NSF DMS | 2012 | Neal Stoltzfus (PI) | REU Site in Mathematics at Louisiana State University |
| NSF DMS | 2011 | Dan Cohen | Random Simplicial Complexes and Associated Spaces |
| NSF DMS | 2009 | Pat Gilmer | TQFT and Low Dimensional Topology |
| NSF DMS | 2008 | Oliver Dasbach | Invariants for knots, and graphs on surfaces |
CAREER Grant | NSF DMS | 2008 | Scott Baldridge | The topology of smooth and symplectic 4-manifolds |
REU Grant | NSF DMS | 2007 | Neal Stoltzfus (PI) | REU Site in Mathematics at Louisiana State University |
FRG Grant | NSF DMS | 2005 | Oliver Dasbach (PI) | Collaborative Research: FRG: Hyperbolic Geometry and Jones Polynomials |
FRG Grant | NSF DMS | 2005 | Neal Stoltzfus (Co-PI) | Collaborative Research: FRG: Hyperbolic Geometry and Jones Polynomials |
| NSF DMS | 2006 | Pat Gilmer | TQFT and Low Dimensional Topology |
| NSA | | Dan Cohen | Arrangements and local systems |
| NSF DMS | 2006 | Brendan Owens | Applications of Heegaard Floer Homology |
| NSF DMS | 2005 | Tara Brendle | Subgroups of Mapping Class Groups |
| NSF DMS | 2004 | Scott Baldridge | The Topology of Smooth 4-Manifolds with Applications to the Topology of Symplectic 4-Manifolds |
REU Grant | NSF DMS | 2004 | Neal Stoltzfus (PI) | REU Site in Mathematics at Louisiana State University |
| NSF DMS | 2003 | Oliver Dasbach | Three-Manifold Invariants: Towards the Property P Quest |