Posted January 23, 2025
Last modified January 27, 2025
Geometry and Topology Seminar Seminar website
3:30 pm Lockett 233
Matthew Stoffregen, Michigan State University
Pin(2) Floer homology and the Rokhlin invariant
In this talk, we describe a family of homology cobordism invariants that can be extracted from Pin(2)-equivariant monopole Floer homology (using either Manolescu or Lin's definitions), that have some properties in common with both the epsilon and upsilon invariants in knot Floer homology. We'll show a relationship of this family to questions about torsion in the homology cobordism group, and to triangulation of higher-dimensional manifolds. This is joint work in progress with Irving Dai, Jen Hom, and Linh Truong.
Posted November 1, 2024
Last modified January 8, 2025
Control and Optimization Seminar Questions or comments?
11:30 am – 12:20 pm Zoom (click here to join)
Ali Zemouche, University of Lorraine, France
Advanced Robust Moving Horizon Estimation Schemes for Nonlinear Systems
This presentation deals with robust stability analysis of moving horizon estimation (MHE) for a class of nonlinear systems. New mathematical tools are introduced, enabling the development of new design conditions to optimize the parameters of the MHE scheme's cost function. These conditions are closely tied to the size of the MHE window and the system's incremental exponential input/output-to-state stability (i-EIOSS) coefficients. To enhance the robustness of the MHE while minimizing the window size, advanced prediction techniques are proposed. Additionally, innovative linear LMI-based methods are presented for synthesizing the i-EIOSS coefficients and prediction gains. The effectiveness of the proposed prediction methods is validated through numerical examples, highlighting their performance improvements.