Front Page News

Hongchao Zhang receives 2022 INFORMS Computing Society prize

Hongchao Zhang Hongchao Zhang (LSU Professor of Mathematics/CCT) is the recipient of the 2022 INFORMS Computing Society prize, jointly with Saeed Ghadimi (Waterloo) and Guanghui Lan (Georgia Tech) are being recognized for their pioneering work on nonconvex stochastic optimization methods.

Chukwudi Chukwudozie featured on amazon | science blog

LSU Math Poster Chukwudi Chukwudozie is featured on the amazon|science blog. He obtained his Master's of Science in Applied Mathematics at LSU in 2015, under the guidance of Shawn Walker, and his Ph.D.

2022 LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal for Benjamin Thomas

Benjamin Thomas Math and Bio Engineering Major Benjamin Thomas is among the 70 LSU graduates across eight colleges who will receive the LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal during the May 2022 LSU Commencement. Recipients of this honor are outstanding writers and speakers, with a strong command of visual literacy and technological communication. 

Ling Long to Deliver the 2023 AMS Maryam Mirzakhani Lecture

Ling Long Ling Long was invited to deliver the 2023 AMS Maryam Mirzakhani Lecture at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in Boston, January 4-7, 2023. This invited address was established by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Council in 2018 to honor Fields Medalist Maryam Mirzakhani.

Carruth McGehee inducted into the LSU College of Science Hall of Distinction

Carruth McGehee O. Carruth McGehee was inducted into the LSU College of Science Hall of Distinction.

He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1966 from Yale University and was an assistant professor at Berkeley before he returned to his hometown Baton Rouge in 1971 as an associate professor at the LSU Math Department. 

Editors' Choice Award for Dylan Douthitt and James Oxley

Editor's Choice Award

The article Bounding the number of bases of a matroid by Dylan Douthitt, LSU Math Graduate Student, and James Oxley, LSU Boyd Professor, has been included in the Editors’ Choice 2022 list of outstanding papers over the last three years in the research journal Discrete Mathematics.

NSF CAREER Grant for Rui Han

Rui Han LSU Department of Mathematics Assistant Professor Rui Han has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) grant from the NSF Analysis Program for his research in Schrödinger operators on lattices. This award will provide funding for Dr. Han’s research over five years for nearing half a million dollars and provides support for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program each summer for three years of the project as well as support for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researcher.

2021 LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal for Clinten Graham

Clinten Graham and Peter Wolenski Math Major Clinten Graham is among the thirteen LSU graduates who will receive the LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal during the December 2021 LSU Commencement. Recipients of this honor are outstanding writers and speakers, with a strong command of visual literacy and technological communication.