Front Page News

Robert Lipton's research featured on Public Radio

Robert Lipton's research got noticed by WRKF, the public radio station in Baton Rouge. His group is part of a Multi University Research Initiative that is funded by the Department of Defense. Other participating groups are at MIT, Ohio State, UC Irvine and the University of New Mexico. 

NSF Postdoc Fellowship for Irina Holmes, LSU PhD 2014

Irina Holmes was awarded an NSF Postdoc Fellowship. She received her PhD in 2014 at LSU under Ambar Sengupta.

Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award for Austin Scirratt

Austin Scirratt is a recipient of the Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award 2016 in recognition of his outstanding teaching ability and service to students. He will be presented with a one-time cash award of $1,000 and an inscribed plaque. This is the second year in a row that someone from the Math Department has won this award.

Assistant Professorship at the University of Georgia for Laura Rider, LSU PhD 2013

Laura Rider accepted a (tenure track) Assistant Professorship at the University of Georgia in Athens. Her research interests lie in geometric representation theory. Laura Rider received her PhD in 2013 under Pramod Achar, and is currently NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT.

Laura Rider

SCALA 2016 in February at LSU

The conference Scientific Computing Around Louisiana 2016 (SCALA 2016) will be held at the LSU Digital Media Center on February 12-13, 2016.

Michler Memorial Prize for Pallavi Dani

Professor Pallavi Dani is the recipient of the 2016-2017 Michler Memorial Prize of the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM). The Michler Prize is awarded annually to a woman recently promoted to Associate Professor in the mathematical sciences. The prize provides  a $47,000 fellowship for the awardee to spend a semester in the Mathematics Department of Cornell University without teaching obligations.

NSF Career Grant for Shawn Walker

Professor Shawn Walker has been awarded a prestigious NSF CAREER grant Numerical Methods for Liquid Crystals and Their Optimal Design. The grant will fund his research and his outreach activities from August 2016 through July 2021.

Shawn Walker

Book by Boris Rubin on Radon Transforms

The book Introduction to Radon Transforms: With Elements of Fractional Calculus and Harmonic Analysis by Professor Boris Rubin has been published by Cambridge University Press in the series Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications.

Workshop on Lie Theory hosted by LSU

The workshop Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations will take place November 7-8, 2015 at LSU. Local organizers are Profs. Pramod Achar, Gestur Olafsson, Dan Sage and Milen Yakimov.

New GAANN Grant for Doctoral Fellowships

The Department of Mathematics has been awarded a new three year GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) from the US Department of Education commencing Fall 2015. Mathematics has been designated by congress as an area of national need. This grant tries to address this area of national need by providing for doctoral fellowships to support excellent US citizen and Permanent Resident graduate students in mathematics at LSU.