Front Page News

Best Poster Award for LSU Math Graduate Student Neal Livesay

Neal Livesay's poster on the "Local Theory of Meromorphic Connections" received the best poster award at the Texas-Oklahoma Representations and Automorphic Forms Conference TORA VII.

Neal Livesay's PhD advisor is Professor Daniel Sage.

LSU math students perform well on Putnam competition

The scores for last December's Putnam Mathematical Competition have been released, and LSU students performed well. The top performer was Shawn Williams, whose score of 20 points placed him in the prestigious Top 500 List, with a rank of 343 out of 4275 competitors from 554 colleges and universities nationwide. LSU also had a total of six students earn a positive score, while the national median was 0. Prof.

Article of Sam Nelson (LSU PhD 2002) featured in the "Notices of the AMS"

The article "What is .... a Quandle" by Sam Nelson was featured in the April 2016 issue of the Notices of the American Mathematical Society. Sam Nelson received his PhD from LSU in 2002 under Professor Rick Litherland. He is currently Associate Professor at Claremont McKenna College, CA.

Travel Grant from the LSU Student Senate for Math Graduate Students

Four LSU math graduate students, Eric Bucher, Maitreyee Kulkarni, Bach Nguyen, and Kurt Trampel, were awarded a travel grant from the LSU Student Senate to attend the MSRI Hot Topics Workshop on Cluster Algebras and Wall Crossings in Berkeley, CA.

McGehee Award for Excellent Research for Pramod Achar and Hongchao Zhang

The McGehee Award for Excellent Research by a Junior Faculty Member will be awarded this year jointly to Pramod Achar and Hongchao Zhang. This award was established to honor Carruth McGehee on his retirement. The area of the award rotates between Mathematics; Humanities and the Social Sciences; and Natural Sciences. The first winner of the award was Milen Yakimov in 2009.

LSU Math Actuary Program ranked among top 15

Safeco Insurance, a Liberty Mutual Company, ranked the LSU Math Actuary Program among the top 15 in the U.S.

Professor Larry Smolinsky is the Director of Actuarial Science, and questions can be addressed to him.

Scott Baldridge in Pursuit

Scott Baldridge was featured in the 2015/16 edition of Pursuit, the LSU College of Science Magazine. The magazine reports on his Eureka efforts for Pre-K through 12th-grade math education.

Scott Baldridge is the Loretta Cox Stuckey & Dr. James G. Traynham Distinguished Professor. His research focuses on Geometric Topology.

Scott Baldridge in Pursuit

Robert Lipton featured in the LSU Reveille

The research of Robert Lipton and his group was featured in the LSU Reveille. 

Robert Lipton is the S.B. Barton Professor of Mathematics. He joined LSU in 2001.

Robert Viator appointed IMA Postdoctoral Fellow

Congratulations to Robert Viator (soon-to-be LSU PhD, advisor Prof. Robert Lipton) who has been appointed to an IMA Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota for the 2016-17 academic year.