Front Page News

Irina Holmes (PhD 2014) Accepts Assistant Professorship at Texas A&M

Irina Holmes Irina Holmes (PhD 2014, Advisor: Ambar Sengupta) accepted a tenure-track assistant professorship in the Department of Mathematics at Texas A&M. Irina Holmes was a Postdoc at Georgia Tech from 2014-2016. She received an NSF postdoctoral fellowship that she spent at Washington University in St. Louis (2016-2017) and Michigan State University (since 2017).

Spring Mini Courses in Analysis and Geometry 2018

Clock Tower front

A mini course on three important conjectures in Geometry and Geometric analysis will take place at LSU, February 9-11, 2018. The three main lecturers are: Peter Casazza (University of Missouri) on the Feichtinger Conjecture, Alex Iosevich (University of Rochester) on the Falconer Conjecture and Palle Jorgensen (University of Iowa) on the Fuglede conjecture. See for details.

Susanne C. Brenner named Boyd Professor

Susanne Brenner

Professor Susanne C. Brenner was named Boyd Professor by the LSU Board of Supervisors on Friday, December 8th, 2017.

Richard Ng awarded NSF-Focused Research Group Grant on Quantum Computing

Professor Richard Ng

Professors Richard Ng, Michael Freedman & Zhenghan Wang (Microsoft Station Q, UC Santa Barbara), Eric Rowell (Texas A&M) and Xiao-Gang Wen (Physics, MIT) were awarded a $1.3 Million collaborative NSF-Focus Research Grant on "Mathematical Foundations of Topological Quantum Computation and its Applications".

The research will cover the mathematical, physical, and computational aspects of topological quantum computation.

Third US-Mexico Conference in Representation Theory, Categorification, and Noncommutative Algebra

US-Mexico Conference on Representation Theory, Categorification, and Non-commutative Algebra 2017

The third US-Mexico Conference on Representation Theory, Categorification, and Noncommutative Algebra will take place in UNAM, Mexico City during the week of November 27-December 1.

It is organized by Aaron Lauda (USC), Christof Geiss, Daniel Labardini Fragoso (UNAM), and Milen Yakimov (LSU). The conference series is funded by grants from the NSF and CONACYT.

Milen Yakimov named AMS Fellow

Milen Yakimov Professor Milen Yakimov is part of the 2018 class of Fellows of the American Mathematical Society.

The AMS recognized his contributions to noncommutative algebra and service to the community. This year the AMS selected 63 new fellows from its 30,000 members.

Milen Yakimov joined the LSU Math Department in 2008. He is the Michael F. and Roberta Nesbit McDonald Professor.

AWM Activities at SIAM Annual Meeting

AWM Professor Susanne C. Brenner was one of the organizers of an AWM Workshop at the SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, 2017, Pittsburgh, entitled Recent Advances in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing.

Blaise Bourdin hosts French Aerospace Researchers

Blaise Bourdin 

Bertrand Langrand and Julian Berthe from the Materials and Structures department at ONERA, the French aerospace research center, will be spending a week at the department of Mathematics at LSU in October. Bertrand Langrand is the scientific deputy director of the department.