Front Page News

Susanne C. Brenner's plenary lecture at AWM Research Symposium

Susanne Brenner Professor Susanne C. Brenner will be delivering a plenary lecture at the AWM Research Symposium at Rice University, Houston.

The conference is scheduled from April 6-7, 2019, and will showcase research from women across the mathematical sciences working in academia, government and industry, as well as feature women across the career spectrum: undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and professionals.

Richard V. Kadison (1925-2018)

Richard V. Kadison Richard (Dick) Kadison passed away on August 22, 2018. He was the Pasquale Porcelli Lecture Series speaker in 2007 and a visiting professor at LSU during the spring semester 2008. Dick Kadison was a leader in the theory of operator algebras. He became a member of the National Academy of Science in 1996, and he was a fellow of the AAAS and AMS. In 1999 he was awarded the Leroy P. Steel Prize for Lifetime Achievement.

AMS Simons Travel Grant for Riley Casper

Riley Casper 

W. Riley Casper, LSU Math Postdoc, is one of 73 recipients nationwide of a 2018 AMS Simons Travel Grant. The grant provides travel support over a two-year period. Riley Casper received his Ph.D. in 2017 from the University of Washington. His research interests lie in noncommutative algebra, algebraic geometry, integrable systems, orthogonal polynomials, spectral theory, and geophysical fluid dynamics.

Math Department hosts SIAM Meeting

The math department will host the SIAM TX-LA Sectional Meeting and LSU-UH-TAMU Undergraduate Conference, October 5–7, 2018

Celebrating 75 Years of Mathematics of Computation

Mathematics of Computations 

ICERM will host the workshop Celebrating 75 Year of Mathematics of Computation from November 1-3, 2018. The workshop celebrates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the AMS journal Mathematics of Computation, the oldest research journal devoted to computational mathematics. Professor Susanne C. Brenner has served on the editorial board of Mathematics of Computation since 1993, and she became the Managing Editor in 2012. Professor Brenner co-organizes the ICERM workshop.

Gestur Olafsson appointed to Review Panel by Swedish Research Council

Gestur Olafsson 

Professor Gestur Olafsson was appointed to an international review panel for the call in Natural and Engineering Sciences 2018 of the Swedish Research Council.

SIAM Student Chapter Recognition for Jerome Weston

Jerome Weston Jerome Weston received a 2018 SIAM Student Chapter Certificate of Recognition. It is awarded annually by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics to the member who had the greatest contribution to the chapter in the previous year(s). Jerome Weston will complete his Ph.D. this August under the tutelage of Professor Michael Malisoff.

LSU Alumni Association Faculty Excellence Award for Karl Mahlburg

Karl Mahlburg

Professor Karl Mahlburg received a 2018 LSU Alumni Association Faculty Excellence Award for outstanding research, teaching, and service. Karl Mahlburg joined the LSU Math Department in 2011.

NSF Graduate Fellowship for Colleen Robichaux (LSU Math B.S. 2016)

Colleen Robichaux, LSU Math B.S. 2016, was awarded a prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowship in the "Algebra, Number Theory, and Combinatorics" Field of Study Category.

Colleen Robichaux is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. At LSU she was mentored by Frank Neubrander.

Irene Fonseca to deliver 2018 Porcelli Lectures

Irene Fonseca Porcelli Lectures 2018

Professor Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon) will deliver the 2018 Porcelli Lectures. Irene Fonseca is the Kavčić-Moura University Professor of Mathematics and the Director of the Center for Nonlinear Analysis at Carnegie Mellon University.

"Mathematics and Imaging Science"
Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 2:30pm-3:20pm, Dodson Auditorium
This lecture will be accessible to a general audience, including high school students.

"Mathematics and Materials Science"
Wednesday, April 4, 2018, 4:10pm-5:00pm, Dodson Auditorium

"Homogenization of Integral Energies"
Thursday, April 5, 2018, 10:30am-11:20am, Digital Media Center Theater

Abstracts and more information are available on the departmental calendar.