Request a math department network account

Math ID account creation

  • We create incoming faculty, post-doc, and staff accounts when requested to do so by math HR staff.
  • Accounts for grad students are created in a batch once the department's graduate studies director provides us with a final list of incoming students.
  • Undergraduates rarely have accounts, but a faculty member leading a research project with an advanced undergraduate may contact us to discuss options.
Questions may be sent to

Guest and visitor accounts

If you have a short-term visitor who needs a connection to the campus wifi, see our wifi information page, under the section called "Guest access". Either the visitor already has eduroam access, or access to the lsuguest wifi may be requested.

For more longer term guests, who may need access to other LSU resources, see

Guests usually do not need a math department account. However, if your guest will be housed in a separate office and expects to use a department-provided computer, then please contact ahead of time to discuss options.