Quick Links

Computing & IT
Support and informational pages regarding the LSU Mathematics computing facilities.
Files to Geaux
LSU's web-based file transfer client. Can be used to send data to peers and transfer files between the office, home, or for access at a conference or remote university.
Used for Mathematics-related classwork and departmental discussions.
Journals (MathSciNet)
LSU Libraries offers a vast array of electronic journals and publications--including those available through MathSciNet. An LSU ID is required to access these documents from off campus.
The official operations portal for LSU faculty and staff.
Downloadable software made available to LSU faculty, staff, and students.
Virtual Lab
LSU's remotely accessible "virtual lab" allows students an easy way to access limited-use software which is generally unavailable for download.
WebAssign is a commercial homework system which allows faculty and teaching assistants an easy way to oversee student progress.
WeBWorK is an open source homework system which allows faculty and teaching assistants an easy way to oversee student progress.
Emergency Information
In the event of an emergency, important campus contact numbers can be found here.