Graduate students Rick Barnard and Shiyuan Gu will participate in Mathematical Modeling in Industry XII - A Workshop for Graduate Students at the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications at the University of Minnesota. Jintao Cui and Jake Blanton will participate in the Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling Workshop for Graduate Students at North Carolina State. Alvaro Guevara will participate in an RPI/WPI Workshop, and Alvaro won Honorable Mention in a SIAM Poster Presentation in Boston, May 2008. Silvia Jimenez has been invited to give a talk at the Siam Annual Meeting in San Diego (July 9th) about her research. Silvia is a student of Prof. Rob Lipton. Jintao and Shiyuan are students of Prof. Sue Brenner. Alvaro, Rick, and Jake are students of Prof. Peter Wolenski.