Larry Smolinsky hosts the math club of Kenilworth Science & Technology Middle School.

This Fall, most Monday afternoons, Larry Smolinsky, Roy Paul Daniels Professor of Mathematics at LSU, hosts The Math Circle of the Kenilworth Science & Technology School in the Keisler Lounge of the Math Department.

The Math Circle is in collaboration with Suzan Gaston and Eugene Kennedy from the School of Education in the College of Human Sciences and Education, and it is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program of the Louisiana Department of Education. Typically more than twenty students gather in the Math Lounge to study math puzzles and the mathematical backgrounds of board games.

Larry Smolinsky explains his aim for the impact on the students: “Mathematics is beautiful, fun, and practical and I believe that it can be the mountain from which to survey the intellectual terrain.”

The greatest obstacles so far: Finding sufficient car and van space for every Kenilworth student who wants to participate.