Workshop on Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations

Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

    February 12-13, 2011


The Winter 2011 workshop in the program Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Their Representations will take place on the campus of Louisiana State University, in Baton Rouge, February 12 and 13, 2010. Gestur Olafsson and Milen Yakimov are the local organizers.

The workshops "Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and their Representations" meet at various western United States campuses for one weekend every few months during the academic year.  They are supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

The purpose of the program is to communicate results and ideas rather than to deliver polished presentations. The program also serves to acquaint graduate students in this area with a range of researchers in Lie theory and representation theory.

The Mathematics Department of LSU is in Lockett Hall. The lectures will be held in Lockett 277. Coffee will be served in the lounge on the third floor of Lockett Hall.



Saturday, February 12

         9:30-10:00 Coffee

         10:00-10:50 Andrei Zelevinsky (Northeastern University) Cluster algebras via quivers with potentials

         11:00-11:50 Weiqiang Wang (University of Virginia) A super duality approach to the representation theory of Lie superalgebras

         11:50-14:00 Lunch Break

         14:00-14:50 Roger Zierau (Oklahoma State University) L2 harmonic spinors

         15:00-15:50 Daniel Nakano (University of Georgia) Computing cohomology for finite groups of Lie type via reductive groups and Frobenius kernels

         15:50-16:20 Coffee Break

         16:20-17:10 Dragan Milicic (University of Utah) D-modules and representations

         17:20-18:10 Robert Stanton (Ohio State University) On the fine structure of symplectic prehomogeneous vector spaces

Sunday, February 13

         8:30- 9:00 Coffee

         9:00- 9:50 Joseph Wolf (University of California, Berkeley) Principal series representations of certain infinite dimensional Lie groups

         10:00-10:50 Hongyu He (Louisiana State University) Certain unitary representations of special orthogonal group in Arthur's packet

         11:00-11:50 Tomasz Przebinda (University of Oklahoma) Semisimple orbital integrals on the symplectic space for a real reductive dual pair

There is no registration fee. Support for non-local graduate students is available, and graduate students are encouraged to attend.  Contact the local organizers, Gestur Olafsson and  Milen Yakimov regarding support.

Click here for a campus map.  

There will be a conference dinner Saturday evening.


(1) Staybridge Suites, 4001 Nicholson Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, phone: (225)456-5430, rate $85 + tax for a double room, including continental breakfast. To obtain this rate, mention the code "Lie Theory Workshop". This hotel is within walking distance, approximately 30 mins.

(2) Courtyard, Marriott, 2421 S. Acadian Thruway, Baton Rouge, LA 70808, phone (225) 924-6400, rate: $95 + tax for a single room, request the rate for "Lie Theory Workshop, Feb 2011". This hotel is 3mi from the Mathematics Department. If you stay at this hotel, please let the organizers know. The organizers will arrange for transportation from it. The rates for the first and second hotels are valid until February 9 and January 21, respectively. After that participants can still request those special rates but the hotels do not guarantee them.