Math 1550-29 Fall 2014

Teacher information

Bogdan Oporowski
352 Lockett Hall
Office Hours:
MWF 12:30–1:20 and by appointment

Course Information

MATH 1550 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I, Section 29
Class Time:
MTuWThF 1:30–2:20
Class Location:
239 Lockett Hall
Calculus (Early Transcendentals) 7th Edition by James Stewart (required) with WebAssign access (class code lsu 7508 3353)
Attendance is mandatory. Only documented university-approved absences, as listed in LSU PS-22, will be accepted as the basis of make-up quizzes and tests.
Students should bring to class scientific calculators. Graphing calculators will not be allowed on quizzes, tests, and the final exam.


The grade will be determined by the number of points accumulated through homework, quizzes, tests, and the final exam. The usual 90%, 80%, 70%, 60% grading scale will be used. Partial credit will be given, but not on homework, and only for the parts of the solution that lead to the correct answer. All work on quizzes, tests, and the final must be shown in writing; unsubstantiated answers and parts of the solutions will receive no credit. All scores will be posted on Moodle as soon as they become available.

Homework will be assigned on after each section is covered. This will be graded by the computer, and, unless a serious software flaw is discovered, I will not over-ride the grade. The total of homework scores will contribute 5% to the final grade.
There is going to be a number of short quizzes. Quizzes will not be announced ahead of time, and may be given at any time during the class. Only the problems assigned as homework will appear on the quizzes. The total quiz scores will contribute 15% to the final grade.
There will be 3 tests. Test dates of the tests will be announced in advance. About a third of the test problems will come from the assigned homework, and another third from the problems in the book not officially assigned as homework. Each of the tests will contribue 15% to the final grade.
Final Exam:
Final Exam will be given on Friday, December 12, 2014, 10:00 am to 11:50 am, in 239 Lockett Hall. The exam will be comprehensive, and will contribute 35% to the final grade. The composition of the problems on the final exam will be like that of the tests.

Material Covered

Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and first 3 sections of Chapter 8.