LSU Mathematics Courses

No student may receive more than nine semester hours of credit in mathematics courses numbered below 1530, with the exception of students who are pursuing the elementary education degree and following the 12-hour sequence specified in that curriculum. No student who has already received credit for a mathematics course numbered 1530 or above may be registered in a mathematics course numbered below 1530, unless given special permission by the Department of Mathematics.

1020 Corequisite Support for Math 1021 College Algebra (2)
Prerequisites: Placement by department. Concurrent enrollment in Math 1021.
Not for degree credit. 1 hr. lec; 1 hr. rec.
Academic support course providing corequisite materials designed to promote mastery of the specific skills and knowledge required for success in Math 1021 College Algebra. Math topics include factoring polynomials, using exponents, simplifying expressions, graphing basic functions, and solving elementary equations. Learning support topics include reframing the student’s academic mindset, improving time management, and developing non-cognitive skills that improve student learning.
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  • Additional course materials: Required: LSU Class Notes for Math 1020 titled MATH 1020 COURSE PACK available at campus bookstore. The TI-30XIIS calculator is required.
  • Detailed course information

1021 College Algebra (3) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: Placement by department.
Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 1015 or 1023.
[LCCN: CMAT 1213, College Algebra]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs with transformations; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions with applications; systems of equations.
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1022 Plane Trigonometry (3) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1021 or placement by department.
Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 1015 or 1023.
[LCCN: CMAT 1223, Trigonometry]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Trigonometric functions with applications; graphs with transformations; inverse functions; fundamental identities and angle formulas; solving equations; solving triangles with applications; polar coordinate system; vectors.
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1023 College Algebra and Trigonometry (5) Ge, V
Prerequisites: Placement by department.
Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 1015, 1021, or 1022.
This course fulfills 5 hrs. of the 6-hr. Gen. Ed. Analytical Reasoning requirement; a second Analytical Reasoning course will be required.
[Last offered in 2020.]
[LCCN: CMAT 1235 Algebra and Trigonometry]
Function properties and graphs; inverse functions; linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, with applications; systems of equations; partial fraction decomposition; conics; trigonometric functions and graphs; inverse trigonometric functions; fundamental identities and angle formulas; solving equations and triangles with applications; polar coordinate system; vectors.
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1028 Corequisite Support for Math 1029 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (2)
Prerequisites: Placement by department. Concurrent enrollment in Math 1029.
Not for degree credit.
Academic support course providing prerequisite materials designed to promote mastery of the specific skills and knowledge required for success in Math 1029 Topics in Contemporary Mathematics. Content includes supplemental material aligned with the content in Math 1029. Learning support topics include reframing the student’s academic mindset, improving time management, and developing non-cognitive skills that improve student learning.
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1029 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (3) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: Placement by department.
Primarily for students in liberal arts and social sciences.
[LCCN: CMAT 1103, Contemporary Math]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Mathematical approaches to practical life problems. Topics include counting techniques and probability, statistics, graph theory, and linear programming.
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  • Textbook: Thinking Mathematically, 8th edition by Blitzer (required) My Math Lab with Pearson e-text, 18 week subscription, access card.
  • Notes: Text: Blitzer, Thinking mathematically, 8e, 2023. Access to the textbook can be obtained in one (1) of 4 ways. Students needs to purchase one (1) of the following 4 items. My Math Lab with Pearson e-text 18 week subscription, access card: 978-0137551224 My Math Lab with Pearson e-text, 18 week subscription, combo card : 978-0137551262 My Math Lab with Pearson e-text, 24 month subscription, access card : 978-137551248 My Math Lab with Pearson e-text, 24 month subscription, combo card: 978-0137551279

1100 The Nature of Mathematics (3) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: None.
Not for science, engineering, or mathematics majors. For students who desire an exposure to mathematics as part of a liberal education.
[LCCN: CMAT 1103, 1313, Contemporary Math, Finite Math]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Using mathematics to solve problems and reason quantitatively. Topics include set theory, logic, personal finance, and elementary number theory.
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  • Textbook: Thinking Mathematically, 8th edition , 2023 by Blitzer (required)
  • Notes: MyMathLab with Pearson e-text, 18 week subscription, access card - 978-01377551224 My Math lab with Pearson e-text, 24-month subscription, access card -978-01375511248

1201 Number Sense and Open-Ended Problem Solving (3) F, S
Prerequisites: MATH 1021 or 1023.
Primarily for students in the early childhood education PK-3 teacher certification curriculum or the elementary grades education curriculum.
Cardinality and integers; decimal representation and the number line; number sense; open ended problem solving strategies; expressions and equation solving; primes, factors, and proofs; ratio and proportion; written communication of mathematics.
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  • Textbook: Elementary geometry for teachers by Thomas Parker, Scott Baldridge (required) Ms. Dougherty will use own notes and give to students.
  • Textbook: Primary Mathematics 4A (2003) by Parker-Baldridge (required) texbok
  • Textbook: Primary Mathematics 5A (2003) by Parker-Baldridge-Cavidish (required)
  • Textbook: Primary Mathematics 3B (2003) by Cavendish (required)
  • Textbook: Primary Mathematics 5B (2003) by Cavendish (required)
  • Additional course materials: Primary Mathematics 6B, textbook, ISBN 978-981-01-8515-2
  • Notes: Elizabeth Dougherty is teaching for Spring 2025 Primary Mathematics 3A Textbook, ISBN 978-981-01-8950-2 Primary Mathematics 4A, Textbook ISBN 978-981-01-8506-0 Primary Mathematics 5ATextbook ISBN 978- 981-01-8503-9 Primary Mathematics 5A workbook, ISBN 978- 981-01-8951-1 Primary Mathematics 6ATextbook ISBN 978- 981-01-8514-5 Prof. Elizabeth Dougherty teaching spring, 2025.

1202 Geometry, Reasoning and Measurement (3) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1201.
Primarily for students in the early childhood education PK-3 teacher certification curriculum or the elementary grades education curriculum.
Geometry and measurement in two and three dimensions; similarity; congruence; Pythagorean Theorem; written communication of mathematics.
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  • Notes: Prof.Elizabeth Dougherty teaching, spring, 2025

1431 Calculus with Business and Economic Applications (3) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1021 or 1023.
Credit will not be given for this course MATH 1510, 1530, 1540, 1550, or 1551.
3 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. lab.
[LCCN: CMAT 2103, Applied Calculus]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Differential and integral calculus of algebraic, logarithmic, and exponential functions; applications to business and economics, such as maximum-minimum problems, marginal analysis, and exponential growth models.
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1510 Biomathematics: Calculus, Probability, and Statistics I (5) Ge
Prerequisites: An appropriate ALEKS placement score.
Credit will not be given for this course and MATH 1431 , 1530, 1540, 1550, or 1551.
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.
Introduction to differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable, and matrix algebra and systems of linear equations.
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1520 Biomathematics: Calculus, Probability, and Statistics II (4)
Prerequisites: Math 1510, 1540, 1550, or 1551.
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.
Elementary combinatorics and discrete and continuous probability theory. Representation of data, statistical models, and testing.
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  • Notes: Began in 2023-2024 catalog.

1530 Differential Calculus (3) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: An appropriate ALEKS placement score: see for details.
Math 1530 and Math 1540, together, cover the material of Math 1550.
Credit will not be given for this course and MATH 1431, 1510, 1550, or 1551.
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.
Limits and derivatives of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, with applications.
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1540 Integral Calculus (3) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: Math 1530.
Math 1530 and Math 1540, together, cover the material of Math 1550.
Credit will not be given for this course and Math 1431, 1510, 1550, or 1551.
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.
Integrals of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, with applications.
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1550 Differential and Integral Calculus (5) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: An appropriate ALEKS placement score: see for details.
Math 1530 and Math 1540, together, cover the material of Math 1550.
An honors course, MATH 1551, is also available.
Credit will not be given for this course and Math 1431, 1510, 1530, 1540, or 1551.
[LCCN: CMAT 2115, Calculus I]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Limits, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, with applications.
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1551 HONORS: Differential and Integral Calculus (5) Ge, F, Y
Prerequisites: An appropriate ALEKS placement score.
Credit will not be given for this course and Math 1431, 1510, 1530, 1540, or 1550.
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.
Honors Calculus: Same as Math 1550, with special honors emphasis for qualified students.
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1552 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4) Ge, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1550 or MATH 1551.
An honors course, MATH 1553 is also available.
Credit will not be given for this course and MATH 1553 or 1554.
[LCCN: CMAT 2124, Calculus II]
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.

Techniques of integration, parametric equations, analytic geometry, polar coordinates, infinite series, vectors in low dimensions; introduction to differential equations and partial derivatives.
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1553 HONORS: Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4) Ge, F, S
This is an Integrative Learning Core (ILC) course that awards general education credit.
Same as MATH 1552, with special honors emphasis for qualified students.
Credit will not be given for this course and MATH 1552 or 1554.
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1554 Calculus II for Life Science Majors (4) Ge, V
Prerequisites: MATH 1550 or 1551. Credit will not be given for this course and either MATH 1552 or 1553. Does not meet the prerequisites for higher-level Math courses.
Designed for biological science majors. Techniques of integration, introduction to differential equations, stability of equilibrium points, elementary linear algebra, elements of multivariable calculus, systems of differential equations.
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1999 Gateway Research Experience (1–3)
Prerequisites: Permission of department.
Research seminar. Under the guidance of an experienced research mathematician, participants will investigate a research problem with a low barrier to entry and potential for significant findings. Each participant will communicate regularly with the mentor and will prepare oral and written expositions of their findings. The course is intended to develop students’ mathematical identities and improve their competitiveness for acceptance into more-advanced research experiences for undergraduates.
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  • Notes: Began in 2023-2024 catalog.

2020 Solving Discrete Problems (3) F, S
Prerequisites: Credit or registration in MATH 1540, 1550 or 1551.
Credit will not be given for this course and CSC 2259.
Topics selected from formal logic, set theory, counting, discrete probability, graph theory, and number theory. Emphasis on reading and writing rigorous mathematics.
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2025 Linear Algebra and Wavelets (3) V
Prerequisites: MATH 1550 or 1551.
Topics: Haar wavelets, multiresolution analysis, and applications to imaging and signal processing. Emphasis on reading and writing rigorous mathematical proofs through linear algebra and wavelet transforms.
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  • Notes: This class was last taught in Fall, 2022. It is being phased out and will be replaced by Math 2035.

2030 Discrete Dynamical Systems (3) S
Prerequisites: Credit or registration in MATH 1552 or 1553.
The mathematical topics covered are fundamental in mathematical analysis, and are chosen from the area of discrete dynamical systems. These topics include precise definitions of limits, continuity, and stability properties of fixed points and cycles. Quadratic maps and their bifurcations are studied in detail, and metric spaces are introduced as the natural abstraction to explore deeper properties of symbolic dynamics, chaos, and fractals.
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  • Notes: Prof. P. Wolenski will teach for Spring, 2025

2035 Mathematical Foundations of Data Science (3) F
Prerequisites: Credit or registration in MATH 1552 or MATH 1553.
Mathematical tools underpinning machine learning applications: properties of Euclidean space, elementary topology, and convex sets and functions. This is a bridge course in writing rigorous proofs. It is designed for students to start thinking about mathematical concepts beyond calculus that are used in modern applications of Data Science, such as, for example, convex analysis and optimization.
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  • Notes: Prof. P. Wolenski, Teaching Fall 2023

2057 Multidimensional Calculus (3) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553. An honors course, MATH 2058, is also available. Credit will not be given for this course and MATH 2058.
Three-dimensional analytic geometry, partial derivatives, multiple integrals.
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2058 HONORS: Multidimensional Calculus (3) F
Prerequisites: Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 2057.
Same as MATH 2057, with special honors emphasis for qualified students.
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2060 Technology Lab (1) F, S
Prerequisites: Credit or concurrent enrollment in MATH 2057 or 2058. Students are encouraged to enroll in MATH 2057 (or 2058) and 2060 concurrently.
Use of computers for investigating, solving, and documenting mathematical problems; numerical, symbolic, and graphical manipulation of mathematical constructs discussed in MATH 1550, 1552, and 2057.
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  • Notes: Prof. Jim Madden teaching Spring 2025.

2065 Elementary Differential Equations (3) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553. Credit will be given for only one of the following: MATH 2065, 2070, or 2090.
Ordinary differential equations; emphasis on solving linear differential equations.
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2070 Mathematical Methods in Engineering (4) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553. Credit will be given for only one of the following: MATH 2065, 2070, 2090.
Ordinary differential equations, Laplace transforms, linear algebra, and Fourier series; physical applications stressed.
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2085 Linear Algebra (3) F, S
Prerequisites: MATH 1431 or credit or registration in 1530 or 1550 or 1551. Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 2090.
Systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants.
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2090 Elementary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (4) F, S, Su
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553. Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 2065, 2070, or 2085.
Introduction to first order differential equations, linear differential equations with constant coefficients, and systems of differential equations; vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, linear dependence, bases, systems of equations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and Laplace transforms.
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2203 Measurement: Proportional and Algebraic Reasoning (3) S
Prerequisites: Professional Practice I Block, 12 sem. hrs. of mathematics including MATH 1201 and MATH 1202, and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 3125. Mathematics content course designed to be integrated in Praxis II with the principles and structures of mathematical reasoning applied to the grades 1-6 classroom. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab/field experience (as part of Professional Practice II Block).
Development of a connected, balanced view of mathematics; interrelationship of patterns, relations, and functions; applications of algebraic reasoning in mathematical situations and structures using contextual, numeric, graphic, and symbolic representations; written communication of mathematics.
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  • Notes: Not teaching this semester.

2999 Introductory Research Experience (1–3)
Prerequisites: Permission of department.
Research seminar. Under the guidance of an experienced research mathematician, participants will investigate a research problem with a low barrier to entry and potential for publishable findings. Each participant will communicate regularly with the mentor and will prepare oral and written expositions of their findings. The course is intended to develop undergraduates’ identity as mathematicians and improve their competitiveness for acceptance into nationally recognized summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs.
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3002 Mathematics Classroom Presentations (2)
Prerequisites: SCI 2010 or SCI 2012.
Current standards for middle and high school mathematics and the mathematics certification exam. Students will prepare and present middle and/or high school mathematics lessons that incorporate this content and appropriate use of technology.
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  • Notes: Prof. Rebecca Nguyen will teach fall, 2021.

3003 Functions and Modeling (3)
Prerequisites: SCI 2011 or SCI 2012.
Using problem-based learning, technology, and exploring in depth relationships between various areas of mathematics, students strengthen mathematical understandings of core concepts taught at the secondary level. Connections between secondary and college mathematics are investigated. Various topics from new math standards for functions and statistics are included.
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  • Notes: Rebecca Nguyen will be teaching Spring, 2022.

3050 Interest Theory (5) F
Prerequisites: Math 1552 or 1553.
Measurement of interest (including accumulated and present value factors), annuities certain, yield rates, amortization schedules and sinking funds, bonds and related securities, derivative instruments, and hedging and investment strategies.
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  • Textbook: Interest Theory, Financial Mathematics and Deterministic Valuation,3rd edition by Joe Francis and Chris Ruckman (required)
  • Notes: First offered in fall 2019. Previously numbered Math 4050. Professor Delzell taught this in fall 2019 & 2020.
    Other required course notes (from Society of Actuaries website):
    FM-24-17 Using Duration and Convexity to Approximate Change in Present Value URL
    FM-25-17 Interest Rate Swaps URL
    FM-26-17 Determinants of Interest Rates

3355 Probability (3) F, S
Prerequisites: Credit or registration in MATH 2057 or 2058. Credit will not be given for this course and EE 3150.
Introduction to probability, emphasizing concrete problems and applications; random variables, expectation, conditional probability, law of large numbers, central limit theorem, stochastic processes.
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3903 Methods of Problem Solving (2) F
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553, and MATH 2070, 2085, or 2090 or consent of department. Pass-fail grading. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
Instruction and practice in solving a wide variety of mathematical and logical problems as seen in the Putnam competition.
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4005 Geometry (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2020.
The foundations of geometry, including work in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. The product code for this text on AMS is: AMStext/51
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4019 Calculus Internship Capstone (2) F
Prerequisites: MATH 3003.
Students will be mentored by a calculus instructor and will participate in the planning and instruction of a recitation section for a calculus course. Skills and topics for teaching Calculus AP will be included.
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  • Notes: Dr. Ameziane Harhad teaches this in fall 2024

4020 Capstone Course (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: Students should be within two semesters of completing the requirements for a mathematics major and must have completed a 4000-level mathematics course with a grade of C or better, or obtain permission of the department.
Provides opportunities for students to consolidate their mathematical knowledge, and to obtain a perspective on the meaning and significance of that knowledge. Course work will emphasize communication skills, including reading, writing, and speaking mathematics.
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  • Notes: Dr. Pete Wolenski, Teaching Fall, 2024. There are also lecture videos on the text on You Tube. Dr. Nadejda Drenska, teaching Fall, 2024.

4023 Applied Algebra (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 or 2090. Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 4200.
Finite algebraic structures relevant to computers: groups, graphs, groups and computer design, group codes, semigroups, finite-state machines.
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4024 Mathematical Models (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553, and credit or registration in MATH 2085 or 2090.
Construction, development, and study of mathematical models for real situations; basic examples, model construction, Markov chain models, models for linear optimization, selected case studies.
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4025 Optimization Theory and Applications (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or 2058, and credit or registration in MATH 2085 or 2090.
Basic methods and techniques for solving optimization problems; n-dimensional geometry and convex sets; classical and search optimization of functions of one and several variables; linear, nonlinear, and integer programming.
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  • Notes: Prof. H. Zhang teaching Spring, 2025

4027 Differential Equations (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: Math 2057 or 2058, and Math 2085 or 2090.
Ordinary differential equations, with attention to theory.
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4031 Advanced Calculus I (3) Grad, F, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or 2058, and 2085 or 2090.
Completeness of the real line, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and Heine-Borel theorem; continuous functions including uniform convergence and completeness of C[a,b]; Riemann integration and the Darboux Criterion.
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  • Textbook: Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Linear Analysis, 1st Edition (2008) by Richardson (required) Free download e-text through < LSU Digital Library.
  • Additional course materials: There is a free online e-book though student's myLSU access library.
  • Notes: Prof. L. Richardson teaching Spring, 2025. The text for this course and 4035 , both of these courses are ZCT courses. There is a free e-book, downloadable on any account from the LSU Library.You can also check out Dr. Richardson's website for more info. He is the author of the text.

4032 Advanced Calculus II (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 4031.
Derivative, including uniform convergence, the mean value theorem, and Taylor's Theorem; absolute and uniform convergence of series, completeness of sequence spaces, dual spaces; real analytic functions; functions of bounded variation, the Stieltjes integral, and the dual of C[a,b].
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  • Textbook: Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Linear Analysis, 1st Edition (2008) by Richardson (required) text is available : free download e-book, LSU Digital Library.
  • Notes: Prof. Yuri Antipov teaching Spring, 2025. This text is available for free download via, LSU Digital Library. Students can also check out Prof. Len Richardson's website for more info. (teaches math 4031, he wrote the text)

4035 Advanced Calculus of Several Variables (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 4031.
Topology of n-dimensional space, differential calculus in n-dimensional space, inverse and implicit function theorems.
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  • Textbook: Advanced Calculus: An Introduction to Linear Analysis, 1st Edition (2008) by Richardson (required) The on-line e-book is available free through students myLSU library access
  • Additional course materials: The on-line e-book free is available through students' myLSU access library!
  • Notes: Prof. Yuri Antipov teaching Spring, 2025. There is also a free e-book, downloadable on account from the library. This class is ZCT course.

4036 Complex Variables (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or 2058.
Analytic functions, integration, power series, residues, and conformal mapping.
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4038 Mathematical Methods in Engineering (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: One of MATH 2065, 2070, or 2090; and one of MATH 2057 or 2058.
Vector analysis; solution of partial differential equations by the method of separation of variables; introduction to orthogonal functions including Bessel functions.
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4039 Introduction to Topology (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or 2058.
(In the 2015-2016 and earlier catalogs, the prereq for this course was Math 4031.)
Examples and classification of two-dimensional manifolds, covering spaces, the Brouwer theorem, and other selected topics.
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  • Textbook: beginning topology, by Sue Goodman (required)
  • Notes: Prof.O. Dasbach teaching Fall, 2024.

4040 Short-term Actuarial Mathematics I (3) Grad, F, O
Prerequisites: MATH 3355.
Actuarial models for insurance and annuities. Severity-of-loss and frequency-of-loss models, aggregate models, risk models, empirical estimation.
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  • Notes: Prof. Larry Smolinsky will teach fall, 2023. Student registered for this class. Please email Dr Smolinsky about texts, etc. needed for the class.

4041 Short-term Actuarial Mathematics II (3) Grad, S, E
Prerequisites: MATH 4040.
Actuarial models for insurance and annuities. Statistical estimation procedures, credibility theory, and pricing and reserving.
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  • Notes: Prof. Larry Smolinsky teaching Spring 2022 using own notes.

4045 Long-term Actuarial Mathematics I (3) Grad, F, E
Prerequisites: MATH 3050 and 3355.
Survival models and their estimation. Distribution of the time-to-death random variable and its significance for insurance and annuity functions, net premiums, and reserves.
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  • Additional course materials: Prof. will use own notes, students can do internet purchase of : "The Infinite Actuary" .
  • Notes: Prof. Smolinsky will teach fall, 2024.

4046 Long-term Actuarial Mathematics II (3) Grad, S, O
Prerequisites: MATH 4045.
Parametric survival models with multiple-life states; life insurance and annuity premium calculations; reserving and profit measures; participating insurances, pension plans, and retirement benefits.
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  • Notes: Prof. Smolinsky will teach, Spring 2023

4050 Interest Theory (5) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 3355.
Measurement of interest (including accumulated and present value factors), annuities certain, yield rates, amortization schedules and sinking funds, bonds and related securities, derivative instruments, and hedging and investment strategies.
Last offered fall 2018; replaced by Math 3050 beginning fall 2019.
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4056 Mathematical Statistics (4) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 3355 or EE 3150.
Statistical inference including hypothesis testing, estimators, and goodness-of-fit. Analysis of time series including moving-average, regression, autoregressive, and autoregressive-moving-average models.
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  • Textbook: Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis, 3rd Edition (2007) by John Rice (recommended)
  • Notes: In the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 catalogs, and subsequent catalogs, this course carried or will carry 4 hours of credit, and covered or will cover time series.
    In the 2019-2020 catalog, this course carried 3 hours, and did not cover time series; then the description was:
    "Statistical inference including hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, estimators, and goodness-of-fit."

4058 Elementary Stochastic Processes (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: Math 3355 and either Math 2085 or Math 2090 .
Markov chains, Poisson process, and Brownian motion.
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4064 Numerical Linear Algebra (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553, and one of MATH 2057, 2058, 2085, or 2090.
Gaussian elimination and LU factorization, tridiagonal systems, vector and matrix norms, singular value decomposition, condition number, least squares problem, QR factorization, iterative methods, power methods for eigenvalues and eigenvectors, applications.
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  • Notes: Prof. Li-Yeng Sung teaching,fall 2024

4065 Numerical Analysis (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or 2058.
An introduction to numerical methods in basic analysis, including root-finding, polynomial interpolation, numerical integration and differentiation, splines and wavelets.
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  • Notes: Prof. Li-Yeng Sung teaching for fall, 2024.

4066 Numerical Differential Equations (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or 2058, and one of four options: (a) MATH 2070, (b) MATH 2090, (c) MATH 4027, (d) MATH 2085 and MATH 2065.
Numerical solutions to initial value problems and boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations.
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  • Notes: Prof. Li-Yeng Sung teaching Spring, 2025.

4153 Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces (3) Grad, F, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 or 2090.
Vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and topics such as inner product space and canonical forms.
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4158 Foundations of Mathematics (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2020, 2025, or 2030, or consent of instructor.
Rigorous development of the real numbers, sets, relations, product spaces, order and cardinality.
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  • Textbook: The Foundations of Mathematics by Ian Stewart and David Tall (required) 2nd edition, Oxford Univ. Press.
  • Notes: Michael Allen is teaching fall, 2024.

4171 Introduction to Graph Theory (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 or 2090.
Fundamental concepts of undirected and directed graphs, trees, connectivity and traversability, planarity, colorability, network flows, matching theory and applications.
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4172 Combinatorics (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 or 2090.
Topics selected from permutations and combinations, generating functions, principle of inclusion and exclusion, configurations and designs, matching theory, existence problems, applications.
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4181 Elementary Number Theory (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2057, 2058, 2085, or 2090.
Divisibility, Euclidean algorithm, prime numbers, congruences, and topics such as Chinese remainder theorem and sums of integral squares.
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4200 Abstract Algebra I (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 or 2090. Credit will not be given for both this course and MATH 4023.
Elementary properties of sets, relations, mappings, integers; groups, subgroups, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, automorphisms, and permutation groups; elementary properties of rings.
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4201 Abstract Algebra II (3) Grad, S, E
Prerequisites: MATH 4200.
Ideals in rings, factorization in polynomial rings, unique factorization and Euclidean domains, field extensions, splitting fields, finite fields, Galois theory.
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4325 Fourier Transforms (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 1552 or 1553, and one of the following: MATH 2057, 2058, 2065, 2070, 2085, 2090. For students majoring in mathematics, physics, or engineering.
Fourier analysis on the real line, the integers, and finite cyclic groups; the fast Fourier transform; generalized functions; attention to modern applications and computational methods.
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4340 Partial Differential Equations (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: Math 2057 or Math 2058, and one of the following: (1) Math 2070, (2) Math 2090, or (3) both Math 2065 and 2085.
First-order partial differential equations and systems, canonical second-order linear equations, Green's functions, method of characteristics, properties of solutions, and applications.
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  • Textbook: Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers (1993) by Farlow (required) Dover Publications.
  • Additional course materials: It can be downloaded for free from the LSU library as part of the Springer Link collection:
  • Notes: Prof. Andrei Tarfulea teaching fall, 2024

4345 Special Functions (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or MATH 2058, and one of the following: (1) Math 2070, (2) Math 2090, or (3) Math 2065 and 2085.
Sturm-Liouville problems, orthogonal functions (Bessel, Laguerre, Legendre, Hermite), orthogonal expansions including Fourier series, recurrence relations and generating functions, gamma and beta functions, Chebyshev polynomials, and other topics.
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4700 History of Mathematics (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: Math 2057 or 2058; Math 2020; and Math 2085 or 2090; students entering the course should have a firm sense of what constitutes a proof.
This course will have substantial mathematical content; topics such as early Greek mathematics, from Euclid to Archimedes; algebra and number theory from Diophantus to the present; the calculus of Newton and Leibniz; the renewed emphasis on rigor and axiomatic foundations in the 19th and 20th centuries; interactions of mathematics with technology and the natural sciences; biographies of significant mathematicians.
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  • Notes: Dr.Charles Delzell, teaching Spring 2025. Will be using unpublished notes by Dr.Jimmie Lawson, Mathematics and Its History. NOtes will be sent to students in moodle.

4997 Vertically Integrated Research (3) Grad, F, S
Prerequisites: May be taken for a maximum of 24 hours with consent of instructor.
This course is intended to provide opportunities for students to learn about mathematical research in a vertically integrated learning and research community. Undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty may work together as a unit to learn and create new mathematics. Possible formats include group reading and exposition, group research projects, and written and oral presentations. Undergraduate students may have a research capstone experience or write an honors thesis as part of this course.
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  • Notes: For textbooks and other detailed descriptions of the various sections of Math 4997 for each semester, see (where graduate-level courses in Math for each semester are described). 4997 - 1 , Sage and Achar 4997 - 2 , Vela-Vick and Wong - no text. Math 4997, sec. 1, taught by Dan Sage.

4999 Selected Readings in Mathematics (1–3) Grad
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be taken for max. of 9 sem. hrs. credit.
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  • Notes: Prof. Smolinsky teaching sec. 1, 2, Fall 2023, Own notes Prof. Sundar teaching sec. 3, Fall 2023, Own notes.

6301 Implementing Curriculum Standards for Mathematics in the Elementary Grades (1–3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: May be repeated for up to 9 sem. hrs. of credit if department certifies that topics do not overlap. This course is intended primarily for participants in teacher-training programs.
Mathematics selected from nationally recognized curriculum standards for the elementary grades, treated with attention to depth and the specific needs of teachers.

6302 Implementing Curriculum Standards for Mathematics in the Middle Grades (1–3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: May be repeated for up to 9 sem. hrs. of credit if department certifies that topics do not overlap. This course is intended primarily for participants in teacher-training programs.
Mathematics selected from nationally recognized curriculum standards for the middle grades, treated with attention to depth and the specific needs of teachers.
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  • Notes: Jim Madden will be teaching for fall, 2018.

6303 Implementing Curriculum Standards for Mathematics in High School (1–3) Grad, F, Su, V
Prerequisites: May be repeated for up to 9 sem. hrs. of credit if department certifies that topics do not overlap. This course is intended primarily for participants in teacher-training programs.
Mathematics selected from nationally recognized curriculum standards for high school, treated with attention to depth and the specific needs of teachers.
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  • Notes: Prof. Frank Neubrander teaching spring, 2022.

6893 Seminar in Mathematics for Secondary Teachers (1–3) Grad, F, S, Su
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. when topics vary.
Topics of interest to teachers of secondary school mathematics.
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  • Notes: Prof. Frank Neubrander teaching Spring, 2022.

7001 Communicating Math I (1) Grad, F
Prerequisites: consent of department.
Practical training in the teaching of undergraduate mathematics; how to write mathematics for publication; other issues relating to mathematical exposition.
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7002 Communicating Mathematics II (1) Grad, S
Prerequisites: Consent of department.
Practical training in the written and oral presentation of mathematical papers; the teaching of mathematics and the uses of technology in the mathematics classroom.
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7210 Algebra I (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 4200 or equivalent.
Groups: Group actions and Sylow Theorems, finitely generated abelian groups; rings and modules: PIDs, UFDs, finitely generated modules over a PID, applications to Jordan canonical form, exact sequences.
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7211 Algebra II (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 7210 or equivalent.
Fields: algebraic, transcendental, normal, separable field extensions; Galois theory, simple and semisimple algebras, Wedderburn theorem, group representations, Maschke’s theorem, multilinear algebra.
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7220 Commutative Algebra (3) Grad
Prerequisites: Math 7211
Commutative rings and modules, prime ideals, localization, noetherian rings, primary decomposition, integral extensions and Noether normalization, the Nullstellensatz, dimension, flatness, graded rings, Hilbert polynomial, valuations, regular rings, homological dimension, depth, completion, Cohen-Macaulay modules.
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7230 Topics in Number Theory (3) Grad, F, S
Prerequisites: Math 7211. May be repeated for credit with consent of department when topics vary for a max. of 9 credit hrs.
Topics in number theory, such as algebraic integers, ideal class group, Galois theory of prime ideals, cyclotomic fields, class field theory, Gauss sums, quadratic fields, local fields, elliptic curves, L-functions and Dirichlet series, modular forms, Dirichlet's theorem and the Prime Number theorem, Diophantine equations, Circle method.
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  • Textbook: Hypergeometric functions over finite fields by Jenny Fuselier, Ling Long Ravi Ramakrishna, Holly Swisher, nd Fang-ting Tu (required) There is also e-copy of this text available. American Math Society
  • Notes: For detailed, semester-by-semester descriptions of 7000-level math courses, see Please refer to: graduate courses for information: Neukirch's text is online. Milne notes can be found at Dr. Kopp's own notes.

7240 Topics in Algebraic Geometry (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Math 7211. May be repeated for credit with consent of department when topics vary for a max. of 9 credit hrs.
Topics in algebraic geometry, such as affine and projective varieties, morphisms and rational mappings, nonsingular varieties, sheaves and schemes, sheaf cohomology, algebraic curves and surfaces, elliptic curves, toric varieties, real algebraic geometry.
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7250 Representation Theory (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Math 7211.
Representations of finite groups, group algebras, character theory, induced representations, Frobenius reciprocity, Lie algebras and their structure theory, classification of semisimple Lie algebras, universal enveloping algebras and the PBW theorem, highest weight representations, Verma modules, and finite-dimensional representations.
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7260 Homological Algebra (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Math 7211.
Modules over a ring, projective and injective modules and resolutions, abelian categories, functors and derived functors, Tor and Ext, homological dimension of rings and modules, spectral sequences, and derived categories.
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7280 Seminar in Commutative Algebra (1–3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department.
Advanced topics such as commutative rings, homological algebra, algebraic curves, or algebraic geometry.
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7290 Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory (1–3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department.
Advanced topics such as algebraic number theory, algebraic semigroups, quadratic forms, or algebraic K-theory.
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7311 Real Analysis I (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 4032.
Abstract measure and integration theory with application to Lebesgue measure on the real line and Euclidean space.
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7320 Ordinary Differential Equations (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 and 4031; or equivalent.
Existence and uniqueness theorems, approximation methods, linear equations, linear systems, stability theory; other topics such as boundary value problems.
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7325 Numerical Analysis and Applications (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: MATH 4065 or equivalent.
Finite difference methods; finite element methods; iterative methods; methods of parallel computing; applications to the sciences and engineering.
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7330 Functional Analysis (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 7311 or equivalent.
Banach spaces and their generalizations; Baire category, Banach-Steinhaus, open mapping, closed graph, and Hahn-Banach theorems; duality in Banach spaces, weak topologies; other topics such as commutative Banach algebras, spectral theory, distributions, and Fourier transforms.
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7350 Complex Analysis (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 7311.
Theory of holomorphic functions of one complex variable; path integrals, power series, singularities, mapping properties, normal families, other topics.
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7360 Probability Theory (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 7311 or equivalent.
Probability spaces, random variables and expectations, independence, convergence concepts, laws of large numbers, convergence of series, law of iterated logarithm, characteristic functions, central limit theorem, limiting distributions, martingales.
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7365 Applied Stochastic Analysis (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Math 7360.
Brownian motion, basic stochastic calculus, applications to finance.
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7366 Stochastic Analysis (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: Math 7360.
Wiener process, stochastic integrals, stochastic differential equations.
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7370 Lie Groups and Representation Theory (3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: MATH 7311, 7210, and 7510 or equivalent.
Lie groups, Lie algebras, subgroups, homomorphisms, the exponential map. Also topics in finite and infinite dimensional representation theory.
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7375 Wavelets (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 7311 or equivalent.
Fourier series; Fourier transform; windowed Fourier transform or short-time Fourier transform; the continuous wavelet transform; discrete wavelet transform; multiresolution analysis; construction of wavelets.
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7380 Seminar in Functional Analysis (1–3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department.
Advanced topics such as topological vector spaces, Banach algebras, operator theory, or nonlinear functional analysis
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7382 Introduction to Applied Mathematics (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: Credit or registration in Math 7311.
Overview of modeling and analysis of equations of mathematical physics, such as electromagnetics, fluids, elasticity, acoustics, quantum mechanics, etc. There is a balance of breadth and rigor in developing mathematical analysis tools, such as measure theory, function spaces, Fourier analysis, operator theory, and variational principles, for understanding differential and integral equations of physics.
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  • Notes: Prof.Daniel Massatt teaching for fall, 2024

7384 Topics in the Mathematics of Materials Science (3) Grad, F, S
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department for a max. of 9 credit hrs.
Advanced topics in the mathematics of material science, including mathematical techniques for the design of optimal structural materials, solution of problems in fracture mechanics, design of photonic band gap materials, and solution of basic problems in the theory of superconductivity.
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7386 Theory of Partial Differential Equations (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: Math 7330.
Sobolev spaces. Theory of second order scalar elliptic equations: existence, uniqueness and regularity. Additional topics such as: Direct methods of the calculus of variations, parabolic equations, eigenvalue problems.
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7390 Seminar in Analysis (1–3) Grad, V
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7400 Combinatorial Theory (3) Grad
Problems of existence and enumeration in the study of arrangements of elements into sets; combinations and permutations; other topics such as generating functions, recurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion, Polya’s theorem, graphs and digraphs, combinatorial designs, incidence matrices, partially ordered sets, matroids, finite geometries, Latin squares, difference sets, matching theory.
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7410 Graph Theory (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 2085 and MATH 4039; or equivalent.
Matchings and coverings, connectivity, planar graphs, colorings, flows, Hamilton graphs, Ramsey theory, topological graph theory, graph minors.
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7490 Seminar in Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Discrete Structures (1–3) Grad, V
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department.
Advanced topics such as combinatorics, graph theory, automata theory, or optimization.
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7510 Topology I (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 2057 or equivalent.
Basic notions of general topology, with emphasis on Euclidean and metric spaces, continuous and differentiable functions, inverse function theorem and its consequences. (This is the catalog description only: Be sure to compare with the current syllabus which includes the fundamental group.)
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7512 Topology II (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 7510.
Theory of the fundamental group and covering spaces including the Seifert-Van Kampen theorem; universal covering space; classification of covering spaces; selected areas from algebraic or general topology.
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  • Textbook: Algebraic Topology by Allan Hatcher (required)
  • Notes: For detailed, semester-by-semester descriptions of 7000-level math courses, see Here is a link to the website for a copy of the Text. Prof. Vela-Vick teaching, Spring, 2021

7520 Algebraic Topology (3) Grad, F
Prerequisites: MATH 7210 and 7510; or equivalent.
Basic concepts of homology, cohomology, and homotopy theory.
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7550 Differential Geometry and Topology (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 7210 and 7510; or equivalent.
Manifolds, vector fields, vector bundles, transversality, Riemannian geometry, other topics.
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7560 Riemannian Geometry (3) Grad, F, Y
Prerequisites: Math 7550.
Introduction to Riemannian geometry, the study of smooth manifolds endowed with Riemannian metrics. Topics include Riemannian metrics, connections, geodesics, curvature, Jacobi fields, completeness, spaces of constant curvature, and calculus of variations, followed by theorems that relate curvature, topology, and analysis.
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  • Textbook: Riemannian Geometry (1993) by Manfredo (required)
  • Notes: Course created in 2022. Prof. David Shea Vela-Vick teaching fall, 2024.

7590 Seminar in Geometry and Algebraic Topology (1–3) Grad, F, S
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department.
Advanced topics such as advanced algebraic topology, transformation groups, surgery theory, sheaf theory, or fiber bundles.
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7710 Advanced Numerical Linear Algebra (3) Grad, S
Prerequisites: MATH 4032 or equivalent; MATH 4153 or equivalent.
Gaussian elimination: LU and Cholesky factorizations; Least squares problem: QR factorization and Householder algorithm, backward stability, singular value decomposition and conditioning; Iterative methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and conjugate gradient; Eigenproblems: power methods and QR algorithm.
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7999 Selected Readings in Mathematics (1–3) Grad
Prerequisites: Consent of department. May be repeated for credit with consent of department.

8000 Thesis Research (1–12) Grad
"S"/"U" grading.

9000 Dissertation Research (1–12) Grad
"S"/"U" grading.