
Time interval: Events:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Posted August 7, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

12:00 pm Johnston Hall 338

Jintao Cui, Mathematics Department, LSU
Introduction to LSU SIAM Student Chapter

The LSU SIAM Student Chapter is inviting all the students who are participating in the GEAUX program and Math Tune-up program to a pizza lunch and we would like to give a general introduction to the Chapter and our activities. You are all welcome to attend this event.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Posted July 27, 2009
Last modified July 28, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Johnston Hall 338

Michele Benzi, Emory University
Key Moments In The History Of Numerical Analysis

The talk will highlight some of the key moments in the evolution of numerical analysis into an independent mathematical discipline. The necessary context and background behind technical developments will be carefully exposed, as well as biographical information about the major figures in the field. The main focus of the talk will be on the early history of matrix iterations.

Additional details can be found at

Friday, September 18, 2009

Posted September 9, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Anna Zemlyanova, Department of Mathematics, LSU
Single- and double-spiral-vortex models for a supercavitating wedge in a jet

In this talk we study the effect which a cavity closure condition has on the flow of liquid around a supercavitating wedge in a jet. The comparison is made for the single- and double-spiral-vortex models proposed by Tulin. Both models are solved in closed form by the method of conformal mappings.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Posted September 22, 2009
Last modified September 23, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

2:45 pm – 3:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Jacob Blanton, Mathematics Department, LSU
Max-Plus Algebra and Optimal Control Theory

A common approach to controlling nonlinear systems involves utilizing the dynamic programming principle (DPP). This approach leads to a control solution via the solution of a corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) PDE. It has the advantage of yielding an optimal control solution as the value function of the control problem is interpreted as the viscosity solution of the associated HJ PDE. The semigroup that propagates the solutions of these PDE's is identical to the dynamic programming principle. The above will be surveyed along with an introduction to max-plus algebra in order to highlight the result that the semigroup associated with the HJ PDE's above is a max-plus linear operator.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Posted September 30, 2009
Last modified March 2, 2021

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm Johnston Hall 338

I still don't know what you did last summer!

There will be a panel with students who participated in math related activities during the Summer 2009 sharing their experiences and explain how to apply for these programs. We hope that all Chapter members and graduate students would be benefitted from their experience. There will be a pizza dinner after.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Posted October 12, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Rick Barnard, LSU Department of Mathematics Graduate Student
The Minimal Time Function and Stratified Domains

In this talk, we introduce the minimal time problem over a stratified domain. In such a problem, dynamical systems are regular only when restricted to a prescribed set of submanifolds. We show that the minimal time function satisfies an appropriate Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Posted October 21, 2009
Last modified October 22, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Sean Farley, Department of Mathematics, LSU Graduate Student
An Introduction to TikZ: Integrating Graphics within LaTeX

While LaTeX is quite useful for typesetting math, it can be quite the pain for incorporating graphics. Which format do you save your image as? PDF? EPS? JPG? I will introduce a powerful package called TikZ that will enable you to seamlessly integrate graphics into your document. I will present examples in finite elements, beamer, and gnuplot.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Posted October 24, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Santiago Fortes, Department of Mathematics, LSU
Subwavelength Plasmonic Crystals: Dispersion Relations and Effective Properties

: The possibility of engineering composite materials with unusual electromagnetic properties (a.k.a. metamaterials) has generated much interest lately. Devices such as invisibility cloaks and superlenses could, in principle, be constructed using such materials. One of the central ideas in the study of metamaterials is that radiation with wavelengths much larger than the inhomogeneities of the material cannot detect internal structure, so that the concepts of effective dielectric permittivity and effective magnetic permeability are valid. I will present a method for obtaining convergent power series representations for the fields and associated dispersion relations of electromagnetic waves propagating in a species of metamaterial known as plasmonic crystal.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Posted November 3, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:15 am – 10:15 am Johnston Hall 331

Fadil Santosa, Director, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications and School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
Breakfast and Discussion

LSU SIAM Student Chapter presents a conversation with Prof. Fadil Santosa, the director of IMA (Institute for Mathematics and Applications). Breakfast will be served. It will be an informal meeting with him to talk about his career experience. This meeting is open to everyone.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Posted November 13, 2009

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Lee Windsperger, Department of Mathematics, LSU
The Asymptotic Laplace Transform

The asymptotic Laplace transform is a generalization of the classical Laplace transform. Whereas the classical Laplace transform is an analytic tool to solve well-posed problems, the asymptotic Laplace transform is an analytic tool to solve ill-posed problems. This talk will introduce the definition, properties, and advantages of the asymptotic Laplace transform through two elementary partial differential equations.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Posted January 28, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

8:30 am Keisler Lounge, Lockett Hall 321.

Max Gunzburger, Florida State University
Conversation and Breakfast

Prof. Max Gunzburger from Florida State University is visiting LSU. The SIAM Student Chapter presents an informal conversation with him to talk about his career experiences. Breakfast will be served.
This meeting is open to everyone.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Posted March 3, 2010
Last modified March 6, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

2:00 pm Lockett 233

Santiago Fortes, Department of Mathematics, LSU
Power Series Expansions for Waves in High-contrast Plasmonic Crystals (Dissertation Title)

ABSTRACT: the possibility of engineering composite materials with localized internal resonances has generated much interest lately. In such materials, an incoming electromagnetic field can become amplified by several orders of magnitude. Numerical simulations indicate that a composite material known as plasmonic crystal exhibits such resonances. I will present a method for obtaining convergent power series representations for the fields and the first branch of the associated dispersion relations of electromagnetic waves in plasmonic crystals. The existence of these convergent series representations precludes the possibility of internal resonances in the first branch of the dispersion relation.

Light Refreshments will be served at the Keisler lounge at 1:30pm.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted March 16, 2010
Last modified March 18, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

4:30 pm – 6:30 pm 338 Johnston Hall

LSU SIAM Chapter meets UIC Chapter - A Student Conference

The SIAM student chapter from the University of Illinois at Chicago is visiting us and we are having a series of student talks. After the talks we will have free pizza. Everyone is invited.


Jun Niu (UIC): Harmonic Series with Random Signs

We consider the harmonic series with random signs. We will discuss the convergence and limit distribution of that summation. We will also show that it has a continuous density function. Some basic probability theorems and analytical techniques are involved.

Rick Barnard (LSU): Using Local Noise Characteristics in Denoising MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight(MALDI-TOF) Mass Spectrometry is a useful technique for the identification of polymers and other complex substances. However, noise from background ions leads to the misidentification of false peaks in the data (a crucial step in substance identification) and hides smaller, albeit important, peaks. Current techniques for overcoming this either involve large amounts of data, user interaction, or blindly smoothing out data. This talk will present the advantages of using local properties of the background ions in reducing the presence of background noise without user bias and without excessive data.

Miao Xu (UIC): Asymptotics of the American CEV Options Pricing Model

We examine the early exercise policy and behavior of a one-asset American Option. In particular, we consider the Constant-Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model in the case for β = 1 (the square root process), and we analyze the optimal stopping region by finding the asymptotic behavior for times close to expiration and at infinite time to expiration.

Jintao Cui (LSU): Nonconforming Finite Element Methods for a Two Dimensional Curl-Curl and Grad-Div Problems

In this talk we discuss both a classical nonconforming finite element method and an interior penalty version for a two dimensional curl-curl and grad-div problem. The first method is based on a discretization using weakly continuous P1 vector fields and includes two consistency terms involving the jumps of the vector fields across element boundaries. The second one uses discontinuous P1 vector fields and includes two additional over-penalization terms. Optimal convergence rates (up to an arbitrary positive ϵ) in both the energy norm and the L 2 norm are established for both methods on graded meshes. We will present both theoretical and numerical results. This is joint work with Susanne C. Brenner, Fengyan Li and Li-yeng Sung.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Posted March 25, 2010
Last modified April 27, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm 338 Johnston Hall

Xin Li, Dept. of Elect. & Computer Engineering, LSU
Geometric Data Mapping through Shape Decomposition

With the rapid advancement of 3D scanning technologies, high-fidelity geometric datasets of huge size have been acquired through hardware devices. A fundamental and challenging problem is how to compute mapping to correspond different surface and volumetric objects of arbitrarily complicated topological types. Inter-shape mapping, or more specifically, finding a low distorted correspondence between two given shapes is a very powerful enabling tool for various applications. We seek accurate and efficient solutions to this fundamental and important problem. This talk is about our recent work on surface and volumetric mapping computation based on shape decomposition. Compared with existing techniques, our work offers a more effective solution. We envision broader application scopes of mapping in digital entertainment, modeling and simulation, vision, medical imaging, content-driven information retrieval, digital medicine, virtual environments, etc.

Short Bio:
Xin Li is an assistant Professor in Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Center for Computation & Technology, and adjunct professor in Department of Computer Science. He received the Ph.D. (2008) and M.S. (2005) in Computer Science at Stony Brook University (SUNY), and the B.S. (2003) in Computer Science from University of Science and Technology of China. His research interests include computer graphics, geometric modeling and processing, computer aided design, vision, and visualization. For more information please visit

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Posted April 21, 2010
Last modified March 2, 2021

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm 233 Lockett Hall

Jintao Cui, Mathematics Department, LSU
Zuhal Yeter, LSU Dept of Mathematics
SIAM Student Seminar

Zuhal Yeter: Robust Preconditioners for High Contrast Elliptic Equations
The problem of interest is the elliptic PDEs with high contrast coefficients which models the applications such as fluid flow in highly heterogeneous media or bending of highly composite plates. The high contrast in the coefficients of the PDEs causes loss of robustness of the preconditioners. Our aim is to construct preconditioner that is robust with respect to the coefficient contrast and mesh size and that will work for different kind of elliptic equations with varying discretizations. We prove the robustness of the preconditioner use singular perturbation analysis and numerically demonstrate it.

Jintao Cui: Multigrid Methods for Maxwell's equations
In this talk we discuss finite element methods for two-dimensional Maxwell's equations and their solutions by multigrid algorithms. We first study a nonconforming finite element method on graded meshes for a two-dimensional curl-curl and grad-div problem. Then we consider a class of symmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for a model Poisson problem on graded meshes that share many techniques with the nonconforming methods for Maxwell's equations. We establish the uniform convergence of W-cycle, V-cycle and F-cycle multigrid algorithms for the resulting discrete problems. Finally, we propose a new numerical approach for two-dimensional Maxwell's equations that is based on the Hodge decomposition and present multigrid results for Maxwell's equations.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Posted March 25, 2010
Last modified August 23, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am – 12:00 pm 338 Johnston Hall

James Nagy, Emory University
Deblurring Images: Matrices, Spectra, and Filtering

Abstract: When we use a camera, we want the recorded image to be a faithful representation of the scene that we see, but every image is more or less blurry. In image deblurring, the goal is to recover the original, sharp image by using a mathematical model of the blurring process. The key issue is that some information on the lost details is indeed present in the blurred image, but this "hidden" information can be recovered only if we know the details of the blurring process. In this talk we describe the deblurring algorithms and techniques collectively known as spectral filtering methods, in which the singular value decomposition (or a similar decomposition with spectral properties) is used to introduce the necessary regularization or filtering in the reconstructed image.

(Light refreshments at 10:30)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Posted October 27, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am 338 Johnston Hall

Jiawang Nie, Department of Mathematics at UCSD
Introduction to Polynomial Optimization

This talk presents recent work on solving multivariate polynomial
optimization problems by using semi definite programming (SDP) and sum of
squares (SOS) techniques. The talk focuses on Lasserre type SDP relaxation:
sum of squares polynomials, Lasserre\'s relaxation hierarchy, its convergence,
and approximation performance analysis.

Pizza will be served after the talk.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Posted December 7, 2010
Last modified December 21, 2010

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am 338 Johnston Hall

Michael Ruge, SIEMENS AG, Munich, Germany
Mathematicians in Industry at Siemens

This presentation is directed at an audience (Mathematicians, Natural Scientists, Engineers) interested at a career in industry, possibly with an international focus.

The presenter will present an overview of the company Siemens he works for close to twenty years with a focus on entry-level positions for master and doctorial graduates.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Posted January 27, 2011

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm 338 Johnston Hall

Thomas Sterling, Louisiana State University
Enabling Exascale Computing through the ParalleX Execution Model

Friday, February 25, 2011

Posted February 15, 2011

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm 338 Johnston Hall

LSU SIAM Student Chapter Webpage Design Workshop

LSU SIAM Student Chapter is organizing a personal webpage construction and design workshop. The speakers (Jeff Sheldon, Heather Russell and Laura Rider) will discuss setting up department based websites, basic commands in webpage design and webpages for job applications.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Posted February 14, 2011
Last modified March 2, 2021

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm 233 Lockett

Andrew Barker, Louisiana State University
Evolutionary Game Theory and the Traveler's Dilemma

Monday, April 25, 2011

Posted February 7, 2011

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am – 12:00 pm 338 Johnston Hall

Mac Hyman, Tulane University
Good Choices for Great Careers in the Mathematical Sciences

The choices that students make early in their careers will impact them for a lifetime. I will use the experiences of scientists who have had great careers to identify universal distinguishing traits of good career choices that can guild decisions in education, choice of profession, and job opportunities to increase your chances of having a great career with long-term sustained accomplishments. I ran a student internship program at Los Alamos National Laboratory for over 20 years. For the last couple of years I have been tracking the careers past students and realized that the scientists with great careers weren\'t necessarily the top students, and that some of the most brilliant students now had some of the most oh-hum careers. I will describe how the choices made by the scientists with great careers were based on following their passion, building their talents into a strength supporting their profession, and how they identified a supportive engaging work environment. I will describe some simple guidelines that can help guide your choices, in school and in picking the right job that can lead to a rewarding career and more meaningful life. The topic is important because, so far as I can tell, life is not a trial run - we have one shot to get it right. The choices you are making right now to planning your career will impact your for a lifetime. Please join us for an engaging discussion on how to make the choices that will lead to a great career.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Posted October 3, 2011

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:00 am – 10:30 am Johnston Hall 338

Luke Owens, Automated Trading Desk
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? A Path to Riches Through A Career in Quantitative Finance

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Posted August 31, 2011
Last modified September 22, 2011

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm 338 Johnston Hall

William Hager, University of Florida
Numerical Techniques In Optimal Control

Abstract: The talk gives an overview of some discrete approximation techniques that have been developed for optimal control problems. We focus in particular on Runge-Kutta discretizations and more recent work on pseudospectral schemes. The numerical paradigm consistency + stability => convergence is explained in the context of these discretizations. Gradient techniques for solving the discretized problems will also be discussed. Additional details can be found at

Friday, January 20, 2012

Posted December 5, 2011

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:00 am – 10:30 am 338 Johnston Hall

A Conversation with Carol Woodward

This is breakfast event with Carol S. Woodward (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory). Dr. Woodward received a B.S. in Mathematics from LSU in 1991 and a Ph.D. in Computational Science and Engineering from Rice University in 1996. Since June 1996, she has been a computational scientist with the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This event is hosted by the SIAM Student Chapter and the VIGRE Program.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Posted November 15, 2013

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm Lockett Hall 233

Materials science in electronics: an overview.

The contribution of traditional and modern day materials science research has ushered in unprecedented success in state-of-the-art electronics and device applications. From sustaining the Moore\'s law in integrated circuits (ICs) to the recent innovations in plastic and printed electronics, the interdisciplinary amalgamation of physics, chemistry, mathematics and engineering with materials science has steered informed and judicious manipulation of existing and new materials in their nanoscale dimensions. In this presentation, we would briefly discuss about the current trends in Fin-field effect transistors (FETs), quantum dot FETs and carbon nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes and graphene) based thin film transistors (TFTs). The invention of novel materials and their processing techniques in these technologies are believed to benefit incredibly from the ever evolving and reliable mathematical models, statistical and pattern- analysis techniques.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Posted February 11, 2014

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:30 am – 10:30 am Lockett Hall Keisler Lounge

A Conversation with Dr. Pavel Bochev

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Posted January 26, 2015

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Lockett 233

Ata Mesgarnejad, Louisiana State University
A variational approach to fracture of thin films under out-of-plane loading

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Posted March 12, 2015
Last modified March 18, 2015

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm 112 Lockett Hall

Robert P. Viator, Jr., LSU
Perturbation Theory for High-Contrast Photonic Crystals

Abstract: Transverse-electric Bloch-wave modes propagating through a high-contrast photonic crystal are analyzed. A power series for the frequency ω^2 terms of the high-contrast parameter z is established, along with a radius of convergence. The radius of convergence is controlled by eigenvalues (called quasi-static resonances) from a related spectral problem in the quasi-periodic Sobolev space, which are obtained via Layer Potentials.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Posted March 22, 2015

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:00 am – 10:00 am Keisler Lounge, 321 Lockett

A Conversation with Professor Peter Kuchment

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Posted April 13, 2015

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:00 am – 10:00 am Keisler Lounge, 321 Lockett

A Conversation with Professor Clint Dawson

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Posted September 17, 2015

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Keisler Lounge (321 Lockett Hall)

Semester Kick-Off Event: Why We Do Applied Mathematics

Come learn about the SIAM Student Chapter. Some of our members will talk about their research.
Refreshments will be provided.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Posted November 19, 2015

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Keisler Lounge

Applied Mathematics Student Talks

Friday, February 12, 2016

Posted February 9, 2016

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Keisler Lounge

A Conversation with Professor James Nagy (Emory University)

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Posted August 29, 2017

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Keisler Lounge (Lockett 321)

What I Did This Summer

Undergraduate and graduate students will give presentations about their
summer math experiences.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Posted November 3, 2017
Last modified November 9, 2017

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

9:00 am – 10:00 am 321 Lockett Hall

Xiao-Chuan Cai, University of Colorado Boulder
A Conversation with Prof. Xiao-Chuan Cai

The LSU SIAM Student Chapter is pleased to invite everyone, students and faculty, to a breakfast with Prof. Xiao-Chuan Cai to have a nice conversation about his career and work. His research interests are in the area of scientific and engineering computing including domain decomposition and multigrid methods for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Posted January 29, 2018

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am – 12:00 pm Keisler Lounge, Room 321

A Conversation with Prof. Howard Elman

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Posted March 19, 2018

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

8:30 am – 9:30 am Keisler Lounge, Room 321

A Conversation with Prof. Irene Fonseca

(sponsored by the LSU SIAM and AWM Student Chapters)

Friday, April 20, 2018

Posted April 20, 2018

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm Keisler Lounge, Room 321

Movie Event

Join the chapter for a screening of the documentary "Top Secret Rosies"

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Posted September 7, 2018

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Lockett Hall Keisler Lounge (Room 321)

What We Did This Summer

The LSU SIAM Student Chapter is hosting this annual event to discuss various summer experiences. All are welcome to attend! Pizza and drinks will be served.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Posted April 11, 2019

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Keisler Lounge, Room 431

Movie Time

The documentary "The Secret Rules Of Modern Living: Algorithms" will be shown. Pizza and beverages will be served.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Posted August 31, 2019

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Keisler Lounge, Lockett 321

What We Did This Summer

Students will give short presentations on their summer experiences: internships, summer camps, the IMA bootcamp, etc. Join us to hear about their experiences and learn more about the LSU SIAM Student Chapter.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Posted February 4, 2020

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

8:30 am – 9:30 am Keisler Lounge, Lockett 321

A Conversation with Prof. Lili Ju, University of South Carolina

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Posted February 12, 2023

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

2:30 pm Lockett 285

Summer Internship and Math Bootcamp Information Seminar

Friday, January 19, 2024

Posted January 17, 2024

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am DMC 1014

Meet & Greet with the SCALA 2024 Invited Speakers

Tomorrow, Friday, September 27, 2024

Posted September 19, 2024

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Keisler Lounge

Meet & Greet with Jon Loftin (MathWorks)

Pizza will be served. Jon Loftin will present on "Deep Learning with MATLAB: A Visual Approach" after the lunch.

Tomorrow, Friday, September 27, 2024

Posted September 19, 2024

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Lockett 284

Deep Learning with MATLAB: A Visual Approach

Deep learning is quickly becoming embedded in everyday applications. It’s becoming essential for students and educators to adopt this technology to solve complex real-world problems. MATLAB and Simulink provide a flexible and powerful platform to develop and automate data analysis, deep learning, AI, and simulation workflows in a wide range of domains and industries. In this workshop we will introduce deep learning with MATLAB. We will utilize a previously trained network and modify it, using the MATLAB Deep Network Designer. The Deep Network Designer allows you to interactively build, visualize, and train neural networks. Individuals can generate the code for the neural network and finetune parameters. Users can use popular pre-trained networks or construct their own. We will also look at the MATLAB Classification Learner to run several models on a single data set. These visual approaches create a more efficient workflow.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Posted September 25, 2024

LSU SIAM Student Chapter

11:00 am – 12:00 pm TBD

Summer Opportunites