Draft ballot October 2021.

(Draft ballot.)

Ballot: "A. Reducing the Math 2085 (Linear Algebra) prereq."
Issue: "A.1. Reducing the Math 2085 (Linear Algebra) prereq."

Shall we reduce the Math 2085 (Linear Algebra) prereq from:
"Math 1552 or 1553" to:
"Math 1431, or credit or registration in MATH 1530, 1550, or 1551,"
as recommended by the Undergraduate Studies Committee?
(See details in the file FormC-Math2085(2021-10-11).docx.)

Ballot: "B. Changes to the Mathematical Statistics Concentration."
Issue: "B.1. Mathematical Statistics Concentration."

In the Mathematical Statistics Concentration, shall we:
(a) add EXST 4050 (Principles and Theory of Statistics) to the list of required courses
(and reduce the number of hours of required free electives by 4),
(b) add EXST 4025 (SAS Programming) and EXST 4142 (Introduction to R and Statistical Data Mining)
to the list of possible capstone courses,
as recommended by the Undergraduate Studies Committee?
(See details in the file FormE-MathStatistics(2021-10-18).doc.)

Ballot: "C. Creating Math 7382 (Introduction to Applied Mathematics)."
Issue: "C.1. Creating Math 7382 (Introduction to Applied Mathematics)."

Shall we create Math 7382 (Introduction to Applied Mathematics),
as recommended by the Graduate Studies Committee?
(See details in the file FormA-Math7382(2021-10-16).doc.)

Ballot: "D. Creating Math 7560 (Riemannian Geometry)."
Issue: "D.1. Creating Math 7560 (Riemannian Geometry)."

Shall we create Math 7560 (Riemannian Geometry), as recommended by the Graduate Studies Committee?
(See details in the file FormA-Math7560(2021-10-16).docx.)

FormC-Math2085(2021-10-11).docx46.96 KB
FormE-MathStatistics(2021-10-18).doc118.5 KB
MinorInAppliedStatistics(EXST)2022-2023Catalog.png98.83 KB
FormA-Math7382(2021-10-16).docx43.75 KB
FormA-Math7560(2021-10-16).docx32.93 KB