FELICITY: Finite ELement Implementation and Computational Interface Tool for You
Most recent (stable) version can be downloaded from:
See the GitHub wiki page for more details and tutorials:
This is a MATLAB/C++ code for solving PDEs that are discretized by a finite element method on unstructured grids. It automates assembly of a variety of FEM matrices using a straightforward syntax and automatic code generation. The resultant matrices can be manipulated by MATLAB for ease in solving a PDE on a triangular (or tetrahedral) mesh. For example, you can solve Laplace-Beltrami on a 2-D surface in 3-D. You can do higher order geometry (e.g. quadratic triangle mappings). You can assemble matrices (bilinear and linear forms) on embedded subdomains of co-dimension > 0. See the GitHub wiki page for more information.