Special journal issues
1. Jerome Hoffman, Ling Long, Karl Mahlburg, Jorge Morales, Bogdan Oporowski, Robert Perlis, Holly Swisher, editors,
Special Issue on Applications of Automorphic Forms in Number Theory and Combinatorics In honor of the lifelong work of Wen-Ching Winnie Li, J. Number Theory, Vol. 161, April 2016, 1-534.
2. J. W. Hoffman, J. Hurrelbrink, J. Morales, R. Perlis, and P. van Wamelen, editors,
Proceedings of the Conference on Quadratic Forms and Related Topics, Documenta Mathematica, Bielefeld, 2001. Held at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, March 26–30, 2001, Doc. Math. 2001, Extra Vol.
4. Jean Bureau and Jorge Morales,
Isospectral definite ternary Fq [t]-lattices, J. Number Theory, 129(10):2457–2473, 2009. 5. Jean Bureau and Jorge Morales, A note on indefinite ternary quadratic forms representing all odd integers, Bol. Soc. Parana. Mat. (3), 23(1-2):85–92, 2005.
6. Rosali Brusamarello, Pascale Chuard-Koulmann, and Jorge Morales,
Orthogonal groups containing a given maximal torus, J. Algebra, 266(1):87–101, 2003. 7. Pascale Chuard-Koulmann and Jorge Morales, Extending involutions on Frobenius algebras, Manuscripta Math., 108(4):439–451, 2002.
12. Eva Bayer-Fluckiger and Jorge Morales,
Multiples of trace forms in number fields, In K- theory and algebraic geometry: connections with quadratic forms and division algebras (Santa Barbara, CA, 1992), volume 58 of Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., pages 73–81. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1995.
21. B. Erez, J. Morales, and R. Perlis, Sur le genre de la forme trace, In Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres, 1987–1988 (Talence, 1987–1988), pages Exp. No. 18, 15. Univ. Bordeaux I, Talence, 1988.