Robert P. Lipton

Nicholson Professor
Department of Mathematics Louisiana State University

Research Overview

1.The macroscopic effect of microscopic interfaces. Description

2. Rigorous Theory for Accurate Multi-scale Analysis with Non Well-seperated Length Scales scales. Description

3. Non-local modeling for understanding the fracture process and the creation of interface. Recovering the kinetic relation of LEFM without Mott's hypothesis Description

4. Novel wave phenomena due to sub-wavelength resonances and multiple scattering: meta-materials and photonic band gap crystals. Description

5. Worst case boundary loads for bolted or joined composites. Description

6. The macroscopic effect of the microstructure on strength: Strong composites. Description

7. Extraction of the effect of microstructure on extreme elastic properties. Description

8. Nonlocal models and two-scale homogenization for dynamics in heterogeneous elastic media. Description

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