Specifications of the Degree.
This MS program is designed to provide doctoral students in Science and Engineering an opportunity to obtain a Mathematics master degree directly related to their specialty. It requires writing and defending an MS thesis.
The curriculum is flexible. It should be determined in consultation with an advisor, subject to the following credit requirements:
6 credit hours of thesis research (Math 8000)
24 credit hours of courses that count for graduate credit, with 12 of these numbered 7XXX (in addition to the 6 CR of Math 8000)
Of the 24: 12 in Math, with 9 of these numbered 7XXX
Of the 24: 12 approved electives, with 6 related to the non-math thesis.
The requirement for course work external to the Department of Mathematics is to insure the interdisciplinary nature of the degree. These courses must be applicable to the student's thesis and must provide scientific support for the applied mathematics the student is undertaking. The thesis should demonstrate the student's ability to use mathematics effectively in applied research.
The student must form an Advisory Committee consisting of three Graduate Faculty members, two from the Department of Mathematics, and one from an external department in the College of Science, the School of Agriculture, the College of Engineering, or the School of Business. The Chair of the Committee serves as the Thesis Advisor and must be from the Department of Mathematics. The committee is there to help the student develop his course plan and thesis project. It also serves as the Final Exam Committee for the student. The committee must insure that each student's program includes sufficient mathematical prerequisites for the intended program of study.