Gestur Olafsson
PhD University of Göttingen (Germany)
Research interest: Abstract harmonic analysis, representation theory, geometry, mathematical physics
Email: olafsson@math.lsu.edu
Personal Home Page of Gestur Olafsson
Stephen P. Shipman
PhD University of Arizona
Research interest: Spectral theory of differential and integral operators, linear and nonlinear waves, metamaterials
Email: shipman@math.lsu.edu
Personal Home Page of Stephen P. Shipman
Lawrence Smolinsky
PhD Brandeis University
Research interest: Geometry & topology, informetrics and bibliometrics, mathematics education
Email: smolinsk@math.lsu.edu
Personal Home Page of Lawrence Smolinsky
Andrei Tarfulea
PhD Princeton University
Research interest: Partial differential equations, fluid mechanics, mathematical physics
Email: tarfulea@lsu.edu
Personal Home Page of Andrei Tarfulea
Fan Yang
PhD Ocean University of China
Research interest: Math Physics, Harmonic Analysis
Email: yangf@lsu.edu
Personal Home Page of Fan Yang