Many professors in the Mathematics Department mentor undergraduate students in projects that help them learn what doing research is like. Often, a project culminates in a poster presentation by the student at one of LSU's research presentation forums. Students who are engaged in research develop mathematical maturity that cannot be learned in a classroom setting, and they gain perspective on the career possibilities in mathematics. You can see some examples of student projects on Prof. Shipman's REU page and on Prof. Malisoff's Marine Robotics page.
Some professors are actively seeking undergraduate students for their project.
If you have some form of funding, such as Chancellor's Aid, to work on campus, a research project counts as employment. Some professors have funding available specifically for their projects.
Current projects in the Math Department
Consult our list of list of current projects that are either ongoing or seeking undergraduate students to participate.
Opportunities to engage in research
Prof. Stephen Shipman advises undergraduate students on undergraduate research opportunities. Contact him to talk about how to become engaged in a research project. Students may also find mentors by word of mouth or by getting to know a professor. You may also talk to Soula O'Bannon in the math office for suggestions and advice.
Math Consultation Clinic. Teams of undergraduate students work under the mentorship of graduate students and a faculty member on problems coming from other academic units or from other research institutions or industry. It runs during the summers and during the year, when it is offered as the Capstone Course Math 4020.
Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer Programs are offered universities and related institutions throughout the country. There are about 100 of them each summer, and getting into the best of them is competitive and prestigious. Participating in one is beneficial to your growth as a mathematician and to your future career prospects.
Opportunities to present your research
Summer Undergraduate Research Forum (SURF). This is a large lively and well attended forum at which students present posters of research that they undertook during the summer.
LSU Discover Day Undergraduate Research and Creativity Conference. is the university-wide forum that takes place in the spring semester, at which students present research in all areas of investigation. There is funding available. The LSU Discover website has additional program and resource information.
LA-TX Undergraduate Mathematics Conference 2017 2018 2019 2020 2022 2023. This is a joint meeting between University of Houston, Louisiana State, and Texas A&M, in which undergraduate math students present their projects in oral and poster form.
Travel stipends for undergraduates are available to support outstanding students' participation at conferences.