The LSU Dual Enrollment (DE) Program for Math offers participating high schools access to dual enrollment courses for students designed to help them be better prepared for success in college. Students can earn credit for both an LSU course and a high school course at the same time while remaining on the high school campus. The following LSU math courses are offered to qualifying high school students:
- Math 1021 College Algebra
- Math 1022 Trigonometry
- Math 1029 Contemporary Math
- Math 1431 Business Calculus
- Math 1530 Differential Calculus
- Math 1540 Integral Calculus
In order for a high school to offer this DE opportunity to their students, the teacher assigned to teach the high school course must complete the DE Certification Workshop and become certified to facilitate a particular course or courses. This workshop includes two four-day virtual summer sessions and approximately 35 additional hours of independent work between the two four-day workshop sessions. There is no fee for participation in the workshop for DE teachers. One-day follow-up virtual DE workshops at LSU for active DE facilitators are held each summer.
The LSU-certified high school DE teacher serves as the classroom facilitator in the high school setting. The Instructor of Record is an LSU math department faculty member who oversees all aspects of the course. Students use the online environment of MyLab Math to do the same Homework, Quizzes, Tests, and Final Exam as the matriculating college students enrolled in the same course. Students also have access to the same online videos, learning aids, and class notes that on-campus students have.
LSU tuition for DE is $100 per credit hour for each course per student per semester.
Pre-DE courses (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II) in MyLab Math are also available for teachers at participating high schools, and teachers can get certified for these courses at the Pre-DE Certification Workshop. This workshop includes one four-day virtual summer session and approximately 35 additional hours of independent work. There is no fee for participation in this workshop, and there is no tuition charged to students. In order to see the learning objectives within each of the Pre-DE courses, the number of exercises for each objective, and the Louisiana Mathematics Standards (LMS) correlation to each for Alg I, Geometry, and Alg II, select the Course Profiles tab in the left menu. Also, at the end of the Alg I, Geometry, and Alg II profiles, there is a list of LMS standards not covered within each course with suggestions about covering these standards.
At the workshops, DE and Pre-DE teachers …
- are taught how to appropriately use web-based technology to redesign course delivery and improve student learning outcomes
- are taught how to effectively use the online learning system MyLab Math at an advanced level
- must complete with 100% accuracy all of the student homework required for the specific course within the time-span of the workshop and earn a score of at least 90% on the course final exam
- become "certified" by the LSU DE Program after completing all of the workshop requirements
- establish a positive working relationship with the LSU math faculty members who serve as the DE Instructors of Record for the DE courses
- network with other high school teachers already certified or becoming certified in the LSU DE Program
- get access to the following MyLab Math courses: Advanced Math - Precalculus, Advanced Math - Functions and Statistics, Precalculus, and Algebra 3.
Individual schools or districts will be responsible for providing hardware for their students to access the web and for purchasing MyLab Math access codes for their DE and Pre-DE students using the content from these courses. A one-year access code for the MyLab Math online learning system used to deliver the content must be purchased for each student at $40 per student per year.
For additional information contact Phoebe Rouse at