Welcome to JIUYI ZHU's Webpage
Jiuyi Zhu
224 Lockett Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Email: zhu at math dot lsu dot edu
Associate Professor (August 2022 - Present)
Research Interests:
differential equations and their applications, harmonic analysis,
spectral theory and
geometric analysis.
Some studied research topics: Geometric properties of eigenfunctions, Quantitative uniqueness of solutions of PDEs, Elliptic
Homogenization, Qualitative properties of solutions of nonlinear PDEs,
Geometric inequalities, etc.
Publications and preprints
Nodal sets of Dirichlet eigenfunctions in quasiconvex Lipschitz domains, arXiv:2303.02046 (with J. Zhuge).
Spectral inequality for Schrodinger equations with power growth potentials, arXiv:2301.12338 (with J. Zhuge), To appear in Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Upper bounds of critical sets of elliptic equations on the plane, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 51(2023),799-810.
Doubling inequalities and nodal sets in periodic elliptic homogenization, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 47 (2022), no. 3, 549-584(with C. Kenig and J. Zhuge). Link
Doubling inequalities and upper bounds of critical sets of Dirichlet eigenfunctions, Journal of Functional analysis. 281(2021), no. 8, 109155. Link
Upper bounds of nodal sets for eigenfunctions of eigenvalue problems, Mathematische Annalen, (2022) 382:1957-1984.(with F.H. Lin). Link
Propagation of smallness in elliptic periodic homogenization, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 53(2021), no.1,111-132, Link.(with C. Kenig)
Boundary doubling inequality and nodal sets nodal sets of Robin and Neumann eigenfunctions, Potential analysis, 59 (2023),375–407. Link,
Doubling inequality and nodal sets for solutions of bi-Laplace equations, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
Fractional equations with indefinite nonlinearities, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 39(2019), no.3, 1257-1268.(with W. Chen and C. Li). Link
Quantitative uniqueness of solutions to parabolic equations, Journal of Functional analysis. 275(2018), no. 9, 2373-2403. Link
Quantitative unique continuation of solutions to higher order elliptic equations with singular coefficients, Calc.Var. & PDE 57:58(2018), Link
Quantitative uniqueness of solutions to second order elliptic equations with singular potentials in two dimensions,Calc. Var.& PDE 57:92 (2018)(with B. Davey),Link
Quantitative uniqueness of solutions to second order elliptic equations with singular lower order terms, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 4(2019), no.11,1217-1251(with B. Davey), Link
Geometry and interior nodal sets of Steklov eigenfunctions, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 59(2020), no. 5, 150. Link
Interior nodal sets of Steklov eigenfunctions on surfaces,Analysis & PDE, 9(2016), no. 4, 859-880. Link
Lower bounds for interior nodal sets of Steklov eigenfunctions, Proceedings of the AMS, 144(2016), 4715-4722 (With Chris Sogge and X. Wang). Link
A lower bound for nodal sets of Steklov eigenfunctions, Mathematical Research Letters, 22(2015), 1243-1253 (with X. Wang). Link
Doubling property and vanishing order of Steklov eigenfunctions, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 40(2015), no. 8, 1498-1520. Link
Indefinite fractional elliptic problem and Liouville theorems, J. Differential Equations, 260(2016), 4758-4785 (with W. Chen). Link
Quantitative uniqueness of elliptic equations, American Journal of Mathematics, 138(2016), no. 3, 733-762. Link
Maximum principles and symmetry results of viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear equations, J. Differential Equations 258(2015), 2054-2079 (with G. Lu). PDF
The improved Moser-Trudinger inequality with L^p norm in n dimensions, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 14(2014), no. 2, 273-293. PDF
Liouville-type theorems for fully nonlinear elliptic equations in half spaces, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 13(2013), 979-1001 (with G. Lu). PDF
Liouville-type theorems and decay estimates for solutions to higher order elliptic equations, Ann.Inst.H.Poincare Anal.Non Lineaire,29(2012), no.5, 653-665(with G. Lu and P. Wang). PDF
Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and Stein-Weiss inequalities on the Heisenberg group, Nonlinear Analysis 75(2012), no. 11 4296-4314 (with X. Han and G. Lu). PDF
An overdetermined problem in Riesz-potential and fractional Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis 75(2012), no. 6, 3036-3048 (with G. Lu). PDF
The axial symmetry and regularity of solutions to an integral equation in a half space, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 253(2011), no. 2, 455-473 (with G. Lu). PDF
Characterization of balls in terms of Bessel-potential integral equations, J. Differential Equations 252(2012), no. 2, 1589-1602 (with X. Han and G. Lu). PDF
A priori estimates, existence and non-existence of positive solutions of generalized mean curvature equations, Nonlinear Analysis 74(2011), no.18, 7126-7136(with Q. Dai and Y. Gu). PDF
Symmetry and regularity of extremals of an integral equation related to the Hardy-Sobolev inequality, Calc. Var. & PDE. 42(2011), no.3-4, 563-577 (with G. Lu). PDF
Radial symmetry and regularity of solution for poly-Harmonic Dirichlet problems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377(2011), no.2, 744-753 (with W. Chen). PDF
Some Outreach activities.
1, Demonstration of Chladni Pattern,
Photo1, Photo 2,
Photo 3
2, Classroom presentations to K-12 girls, Photo.
3, Undergraduate research projects,
4. Middle school student's science and engineer fair project
Isoperimetric Inequality, PDF