Bao Pham
The Southern Regional Number Theory Conference series brings together researchers and students in various branches of number theory to share their research and connect with one another.

The Southern Regional Number Theory Conference series began in 2014 with a celebration of Wen-Ching Winnie Li and her distinguished career. This first conference included many distinguished speakers, such as Fields Medalist Jean-Pierre Serre.

Join us for SRNTC 2025! This conference will take place at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, and also streamed over Zoom on March 29–30, 2025. The conference will begin on Saturday, March 29, and end on Sunday, March 30. The Zoom information is located under the Schedule tab at the top of the page.

Over the last eleven years, the Southern Regional Number Theory Conference has hosted many students and researchers from throughout the United States, most participants coming from the Gulf Coast and Southeastern regions, to discuss a wide range of research in Number Theory.

Further information about the previous Southern Regional Number Theory Conferences is located in the links at the bottom of this page and a photo gallery showcasing the last 11 years of the Southern Regional Number Theory Conference is available under the Photos tab at the top of the page.


The deadline to submit a contributed talk or apply for funding is February 14. You may register to attend the conference with this Google form.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers

Katie Anders University of Texas at Tyler
Renee Bell Lehman College (CUNY)
Imin Chen Simon Fraser University
Samit Dasgupta Duke University
Chantal David Concordia University
Frank Garvan University of Florida
Edna Jones Tulane University

Who Should Attend

Anyone with an interest in number theory is welcome, including:
  • Graduate students
  • Junior researchers
  • Senior researchers
Talks will be given at a graduate student level. Students and researchers in the South and in the Gulf Coast region are particularly encouraged to attend.


Print out this poster for your department!

A BIG Thanks to Our Sponsors

LSU Math   College of Science, Office of Research and Economic Development

NSF   The National Science Foundation

NTF The Number Theory Foundation


Michael Allen (Postdoc) Louisiana State University
Paresh Singh Arora (PhD student) Louisiana State University
Gene Kopp (Professor) Louisiana State University
Ling Long (Professor) Louisiana State University
Esme Rosen (PhD student) Louisiana State University
Fang-Ting Tu (Professor) Louisiana State University

Previous Conferences