Math 3355, Section 2, Spring 2010
Place: Lockett 111
Time: Tue and Thu 1:40pm -3pm
Instructor: Dr. Ambar Sengupta
Office: Lockett 324
Telephone: 225-578-1607
Please consult Support for information on support and services.
Webwork assignments
Webwork assignments are available at Assignments
Fundamentals of Probability by Saeed Ghahramani
Course Description
Introduction to probability, emphasizing concrete problems and
applications; random variables, expectation, conditional
probability, law of large numbers, central limit theorem,
stochastic processes.
Course Content
The course will cover topics in Chapters 1--12 of the textbook. The following is an ambitious list of chapters we hope to cover.
Chapter 1: Axioms of Probability
Chapter 2: Combinatorial Analysis
Chapter 3: Conditional Probability and Independence
Chapter 4: Random Variables, Expectation, Variance, Standardization
Chapter 5: Special Discrete Distributions
Chapter 6: Continuous Random Variables
Chapter 7: Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential distributions
Chapter 8: Joint Distributions
Chapter 9: Joint Distributions II
Chapter 10: More on Expectations
Chapter 11: Limit Theorems
Chapter 12: Stochastic Processes: a brief introduction
Webwork assignments
Webwork assignments are available at Assignments
Basic algebra, functions, trigonometry, and multivariable calculus (Math 2057).
Performance on the assignments and exams will be weighted in the final
grade as follows:
Assignments: 25%
Two in-class exams: 50%
Final exam: 25%
Code of Ethical Conduct
Students must abide by the LSU
Code of Student Conduct .