Classes Fall 2004
Math 2025, Wavelets made easy
Math 1552, Analytic Geometry and Calculus
Math 2025, Material from 2003
- Syllabus 2003
- Lecture one
- Lecture two subspaces
- Lecture three Spaces of functions
- Lectures four and five linear maps, inner products, and norms
- Lectures six and seven: Generating
sets, linear independent vectors, basis, and Gram-Schmidt
Lectures 8 orthogonal
2-D wavelet transform
and complex numbers: Lecture 10
lecture 11, Exercises on complex numbers,
Quiz Nov. 18 and 20 with solutions
- quiz 3 , solutions
- two problem sets
- Problems on
orthogonal projections.
- q. 4, 5, and 6
with solutions.
- Download the presentation the one dimensional Haar wavelet transform
and the two dimensiona wavelet transform.
Math 7390, Harmonic Analysis I
Some -- even older -- Material
Math 2025, Wavelets and other
Intergral Transforms, fall 2002:
Math 7390, Wavelets
Notes on Various Material: