Math 4035, Advanced Calculus of n-variables

Time and location: 1:30 to 2:50, T-Th 038 Allen

Book: Advanced Calculus: An introduction to Linear Analysis, by L. F. Richardson

We will cover most of Chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11.


INSTRUCTOR Gestur Olafsson
Office 322 Lockett
Office Hours Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12:30-1:30 pm, and by request. Please email me in case you would like to meet outside the office hours
Phone 578-1608 and 225-337-2206 (cell)
e-mail olafsson"at"math"dot"lsu"dot"edu
Homework problem section There will be homework every week during the semester a midterm exam and a final exam. See below for more information.
Grader To be announced later.

Important Dates:

  1. Monday, August 26: Classes starts. Our first meeting is on Tuesday, August 27.
  2. Monday, September 2: Labour day, no classes.
  3. Tuesday, October 15: Midterm exam in class.
  4. Tuesday, November 7: Fall break starts
  5. Wednesday, November 27: Thanksgiving holidays begins 12:30 pm.
  6. Wednesday, December 4: Concentrated Study Period starts. Classes ends Sat. Dec. 7.
  7. Thursday, December 12, 5:30-7:30: Final exam. The exam will take place in 038 Allen Lockett


Mathematics 4031 and 2085 or the equivalent. Please contact me if you need more information.

Assignments, Tests, and Grades

Problems, mainly proofs, will be assigned frequently, approximately once a week. These will be collected, corrected, and returned at the next class meeting or as soon as possible. There will be a grader working with me on grading the homework. We will post more information as soon as we know more about who the grader is. Also, after classes starts, decide on a time for a optional Problem Session that will take place every second week, probably on Wednesday. We will discuss some of the homeworks and students can ask questions concerning material from the course. We expect that students actively participate in the discussion and by showing their solution on the black/white-board.You are encouraged to seek hints to help you get started with these problems! Students are allowed, and in fact encouraged to discuss the problems. But you have to turn in your own solutions. You can only learn the material and get used to prove mathematical statement by doing it yourself. Please read the Introduction to your textbook! We will go over every collected homework problem in class, to help you prepare for tests. There will be bonus problems during the semester.

There will be a Mid-term Exam and a Final Exam. These tests may include any question (or variation thereupon) in a covered section of the text. More than half of the questions will be based on the homeworks. Some of the questions will includes proofs.

Grades: The homework will count for 30% of the final grade, the midterm 30% and the final will be 40%.

The Scale is: 90 -100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D), Below 60 (F).

About the Book

We will mainly base the lectures on the book by Prof. L. Richardson. But we will also use the great book by M. Spivak Calculus on Manifolds. As we are not 100% following the book by Richardson, We strondly recommend that students show up in class.