Karl Mahlburg

Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University

e-mail: mahlburg (at) math (dot) lsu (dot) edu
Internet: www.math.lsu.edu/~mahlburg




Research Interests

  1. The theory of automorphic forms, including modular forms, mock modular forms and harmonic Maass forms;
  2. Applications of automorphic forms to other areas of mathematics, including the theory of partitions and basic hypergeometric series, bootstrap percolation models, affine Lie superalgebras, Markov processes;
  3. Algebraic and finite combinatorics, including graph theory, Catalan-type structures, abelian sandpiles, combinatorial probability
  4. Nonstandard analysis and analytic number theory   


See Publications page for full list of 41 refereed journal articles and 0 preprint(s).

Selected Talks, Conferences, and Workshops

Grants and Fellowships

Honors and Awards


Research Advising and Directed Reading

Undergraduate Students:
            Brandon Roberts, Directed Reading: “Algebraic Geometry”, LSU, Spring 2019
Roberts, Directed Reading: “Analytic Number Theory”, LSU, Fall 2018.
            Thomas Ayton, Abel Lopez, Connor Sanford, Aubrey Stewart, Richard Tuminello: Submitted solutions to Problems in The American Mathematical Monthly, MATH 3903, LSU, Spring 2018.
            Derek Walker, Directed Reading: “Elementary Number Theory”, LSU, Spring 2015
            Paxton Turner, Directed Reading: "Partitions, q-series, and Analytic Techniques in Number Theory", LSU, Fall 2013.
Ethan Sterling, Directed Research: "The Bounded Thrackle Conjecture", Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, MIT, Summer 2008.
            Matthew Garcia, Directed Reading: "An Adelic Approach to Class Field Theory", Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, MIT, Spring 2008.
            Alex Arkhipov, Directed Reading/Research: "Combinatorial Partition Theory", Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, MIT, Summer 2007.
            Assistant Instructor for UW-Madison Research Experience for Undergraduates, Summer 2005, 2006.

Graduate Students:


Professional Activities


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