Department of Mathematics LSU Baton Rouge

Mathematics for Future Secondary Teachers

A Collection of Curriculum Models and Ideas

James J. Madden
His Page

Acknowledgement: This site disseminates materials developed with the support of NSF Grant 0087892.

Overview of the NSF project that started this.

LSU Group Project: Final Report | Evaluator's Report.

Shreveport Group Project: Final Report.

Monroe Group Project: Final Report (PDF). Final Report (HTML).

Other materials, prepared in conjunction with this project, that are useful for or relevant to the undergaduate training of secondary math teachers:

Notes from Math Saturday, a monthly math lecture for high-school students (2002-2003) produced by volunteers from the LSU Math Department and presented by the LSU Highland Road Observatory: Activities on decimals. Activities from Saturday, May 10, 2003. Exploring repeating decimals as an invitation to number theory.| The Poisson Distribution. Notes prepared to answer some questions posed by one of the student participants.

Master's Theses. As an outcome of our involvement in the design of curriculum materials for future secondary teachers, we developed a set of expectations for a Master of Science in Mathematics Thesis that would be written with the goal of contributing to the design of curricula for secondary-teacher education. We resolved first of all that there would be no attnuation of the mathematical expectations--the thesis should meet exactly the same requirements as a master's thesis in mathematics with any other focus. Second, the thesis should treat topics that have a clear and immediate connection to the secondary curriculum. Third, the thesis should contain expository sections on several levels. Some sections should treat topics that have received numerous expositions, e.g., basic probability theory. These sections should be geared to mature but uninformed audiences and should seek to synthesize positive features of other expositions. Other sections should treat topics that are more esoteric and have not been widely written. The exposition should seek to make these topics accessible to a wider audience.


A project of the

of the LSU Department of Mathematics.