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Department of Mathematics, LSU Baton Rouge
Math 4005: Geometry

I.B. Quadrilaterals

Assignemnt due Monday, February 2, 2004

Spend 1 hour reading this excerpt from a high school textbook. At the end of the hour, write 3 question that you would like to ask to help you understand this stuff, and bring the questions to class on February 2.

Assignemnt due Monday, February 9, 2004

Write proofs of the equivalence of items i)-iv) I of the Parallelogram Theorem.

Student Work

Pre-test February 2, 2004. (To appear)


On parallelograms: Excerpt from a high school textbook. | Glencoe Geometry - summary of contents related to parallelograms.

Readings on the idea of a definition: In discussing the way that knowledge about quadrilaterals is organized, we had occasion to talk about the nature and role of definitions in mathematics and in teaching. Here are three readings that I think provide useful insights into these issues.