What every high school graduate should know about statistics

This is my attempt to summarize the recommendations of the article by R. Scheaffer, A. Watkins and J. Landwehr (with the title above) that appears in Reflections on Statistics:Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Grades K-12 , Susanne P. Lajoie, editor, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., Mahwah New Jersey and London, 1998. The bold headings below are from the article. The items listed under each heading represent my own summary of the main recommendations.


Number Sense


Planning a study and producing data

Data analysis

Probability. The following guidelines are quoted directly from the article. Remember, these are the authors' suggestions, not truths of nature:

  1. Probability should be presented as the study of random events.
  2. The unifying thread throughout the probability curriculum should be the idea of a distribution.
  3. Probability distributions typically should be constructed by simulation.
  4. Students' intuition about probabilistic events should be developed so that they can estimate probabilities of events and assess the reasonableness of research.
  5. Every student should learn the language and basic formulas of probability.
  6. Misconceptions about probability should be confronted head-on.

The authors also list the following topics. We have omitted the subheadings:

The article contains a sharp critique of the "Traditional Curriculum in Probability," which is faulted for overemphasis on combinatorics (e.g., what is the probability that a hand of five cards contains three face cards and a pair of aces?)

Statistical inference. The following outline of "key concepts" is given: