Harmonic and Geometric Analysis. Application


January 3 - 4, 2007 - Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University

Supported by the National Science Foundation and the College of Arts and Sciences of the Louisiana State University

Organizers: Gestur Olafsson and Boris Rubin

Contact: brworkshop@math.lsu.edu

Preliminary program

Overview Map of Baton Rouge close to campus


  1. Gaik Ambartsoumian
  2. Aleksei Beltukov
  3. Carlos A. Berenstein
  4. Bradley Currey
  5. Mihaela Dobrescu
  6. Leon Ehrenpreis
  7. David V. Finch
  8. Veronika Furst
  9. Fulton B. Gonzalez
  10. Eric L. Grinberg
  11. Ken Hoover
  12. Ralph Howard
  13. Alex Iosevich
  14. Brody Johnson
  15. Palle Jorgensen
  16. Tomoyuki Kakehi
  17. Michael Kapralov
  18. Bjoern Kjos-Hanssen
  19. Alexander Koldobsky
  20. Keri Kornelson
  21. David Larson
  22. Tom McNamara
  23. Nga Nguyen
  24. Morten Nielsen
  25. Elena Ournycheva
  26. Isaac Pesenson
  27. Eric Todd Quinto
  28. Dmitry Ryabogin
  29. Karen Shuman
  30. Leonid Slavin
  31. Myung-Sin Song
  32. Darrin Speegle
  33. Zoltan I. Szabo
  34. Feng Tian
  35. Vladyslav Yaskin
  36. Marina Yaskina
  37. Shijun Zheng
  38. Artem Zvavitch


  1. Aleksei Beltukov, Operator identities relating sonar and Radon transforms. ( abstract)
  2. Carlos A. Berenstein, Internet tomography ( abstract)
  3. Bradley Currey, Admissibility for Quasiregular Representations of Algebraic Solvable Lie Groups ( abstract)
  4. Mihaela Dobrescu, TBA (abstract)
  5. Leon Ehrenpreis, Parametric and nonparametric Radon transforms ( abstract)
  6. Fulton B. Gonzalez, The modified wave equation on the sphere and extensions to compact symmetric spaces. ( abstract)
  7. Eric Grinberg, The Gauss-Bonnet-Grotemeyer Theorem in Spaces of Constant Curvature ( abstract)
  8. Kenneth R. Hoover, Dimension functions of rationally dilated wavelets. ( abstract)
  9. Ralph Howard, Results and conjectures on the "size" of the space of smooth functions on a compact manifold. ( abstract)
  10. Alex Iosevich, Incidence theory from discrete and analytical perspectives. ( abstract)
  11. Brody Johnson, Frame decomposition of principal shift-invariant spaces with rational dilations ( abstract)
  12. Palle Jorgensen, C^*-algebras, fractals, wavelets and dynamics ( abstract)
  13. Tomoyuki Kakehi, The Invariant differential operators on Cartan motion groups and range characterizations for Radon transforms. ( abstract)
  14. Bjoern Kjos-Hanssen, Some computably random series of functions ( abstract)
  15. Alexander Koldobsky, Intersection bodies and L_p-spaces. ( abstract)
  16. Keri Kornelson, IFSs with overlap: families of orthogonal exponentials and invariant measures, Part 1. (Preliminary Report). ( abstract)
  17. David Larson, TBA (abstract)
  18. Tom McNamara, Explicit Construction of Representations for a Class of Nilpotent Lie Groups and their Application to Continuous Wavelet Transforms ( abstract)
  19. Nga Nguyen, Surgery and push-outs on frames ( abstract)
  20. Morten Nielsen, On quasi-greedy uniformly bounded bases for $L_p([0,1])$ ( abstract)
  21. Elena Ournycheva, Two spaces conditions for integrability of the Fourier transform. ( abstract)
  22. Isaac Pesenson, Bernstein-Nikolskii inequality on symmetric spaces (a abstract)
  23. Eric Todd Quinto, Support Theorems for the Spherical Radon Transform on Manifolds. ( abstract)
  24. Boris Rubin, The Busemann-Petty problem with the generalized axial symmetry. ( abstract)
  25. Dmitry Ryabogin, On the local equatorial characterization of zonoids. ( abstract)
  26. Karen L. Shuman, IFSs with overlap: families of orthogonal exponentials and invariant measures, Part 2. ( abstract)
  27. Leonid Slavin, Bellman function and a local Chang-Wilson-Wolff theorem. ( abstract)
  28. Myung-Sin Song, Entropy Encoding in Wavelet Image Compression ( abstract)
  29. Darrin Speegle, TBA (abstract)
  30. Zoltan I. Szabo, De Broglie geometry on Zeeman manifolds: A new non-perturbative approach to the infinities of QED (Review of the scalar theory) ( abstract)
  31. Vladyslav Yaskin, Inequalities of the Kahane-Khinchin type and sections of $L_p$-balls. ( abstract)
  32. Marina Yaskina, Non-intersection bodies all of whose central sections are intersection bodies. ( abstract)
  33. Shijun Zheng, Spectral calculus in function spaces and dispersive equations. ( abstract)
  34. Artem Zvavitch, There is no local characterization of intersection bodies. ( abstract)


Students and young researchers can be supported. Organizers will help with accommodation and local expenses.

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