List of Publications

Some recent papers:

  1. Unavoidable immersions of 4- and f(t)-edge-connected graphs (with Brittian Qualls)
  2. Graphs without large K2n-minors

Journal papers

  1. Refining a chain theorem from matroids to internally 4-connected graphs (with Chanun Lewchalermvongs) Advances in Applied Mathematics 163 (A) (2025) 102802.
  2. Unavoidable induced subgraphs of infinite 2-connected graphs (with Sarah Allred and Bogdan Oporowski) Discrete Mathematics 348 (4) (2025) 114346.
  3. Packing feedback arc sets in tournaments exactly and Mathematica Code (With Xujin Chen, Wenan Zang, and Qiulan Zhao) Mathematics of Operations Research 49 (1) (2024) 151-170.
  4. Strengthened chain theorems for different versions of 4-connectivity (with Chengfu Qin) Discrete Mathematics 346 (1) (2023) 113-129.
  5. On Gupta's co-density conjecture (with Yan Cao, Guantao Chen, Guangming Jing, Wenan Zang) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 37 (3) (2023) 1666-1673.
  6. Unavoidable induced subgraphs of large 2-connected graphs (with Sarah Allred and Bogdan Oporowski) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 37 (2) (2023) 684-690.
  7. Ranking tournaments with no errors II: Minmax relation and appendix-1 and appendix-2 (with Xujin Chen, Wenan Zang, and Qiulan Zhao) Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 142 (2020) 244-275.
  8. Ranking tournaments with no errors I: Structural description (with Xujin Chen, Wenan Zang, and Qiulan Zhao) Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 141 (2020) 264-294.
  9. A chain theorem for 4-connected graphs (with Chengfu Qin) Journal of combinatorial Theory Series B 139 (2019) 341-349.
  10. Minimal k-connected non-Hamiltonian graphs (with Emily Marshall) Graphs and Combinatorics 34 (2018) 289-312.
  11. Excluding a large theta graph (with Emily Marshall) Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 132 (2018) 47-79.
  12. On box-perfect graphs (with Wenan Zang and Qiulan Zhao) Journal of Combinatorial Theorey Series B Volume 128 (2018) 17-46.
  13. On almost-planar graphs (with Joshua Fallon and Emily Marshall), The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 25(1) (2018) #P1.55
  14. When is the matching polytope box-totally dual integral? (with Lei Tan and Wenan Zang) , Mathematics of Operations Research, Volume 43 Issue 1 (2018) page 64-99
  15. Unavoidable connected matroids retaining a specified minor (with Carolyn Chun, Dillon Mayhew, and James Oxley) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 30(3) (2016) 1590-1606.
  16. Hall-type results for 3-connected projective graphs and Supplement (with Perry Iverson) Journal of Graph Theory 82(3) (2016) 253-264.
  17. Large Wk- or K3t-minors in 3-connected graphs (with Stan Dziobiak and Haidong Wu) Journal of Graph Theory 82(2) (2016) 207-217.
  18. Graphs with no P7-minor (with Chanun Lewchalermovongs and John Maharry) The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 23(2) (2016) #P2.12
  19. Excluded-minor characterization of apex-outerplanar graphs (with Stan Dziobiak) Graphs and Combinatorics 32 (2) (2016) 583-627.
  20. Characterizing binary matroids with no P9-minor (with Haidong Wu) Advances in Applied Mathematics 70 (2015) 70-91
  21. Internally 4-connected projective graphs and Supplement (with Perry Iverson) Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B 108 (2014) 123-138
  22. A characterization of graphs with no octahedron minor and Supplement Journal of Graph Theorey 74(2) (2013) 143-162.
  23. On 3-connected graphs of path-width at most three (with Stan Dziobiak) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 27(3) 1514-1526 (2013)
  24. Excluding a small minor and Supplement (with Cheng Liu) Discrete Applied Mathematics 161(3) (2013) 355-368
  25. The maximum-weight stable matching problem: duality and efficiency (with Xujin Chen, Xiaodong Hu, and Wenan Zang) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 26(3) (2012) 1346-1360.
  26. A chain theorem for 3+-connected graphs (with Cheng Liu) SIAM Journal on Discrete Math 26(1) (2012) 102-113
  27. Bandwidth of trees of diameter at most 4 (completed by the VIGRE Combinatorics Crew under my supervision) Discrete Math 312 (2012) 1947-1951
  28. Bonds with parity constraints (with Xujin Chen, Xingxing Yu, Wenan Zang) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 102 (2012) 588-609
  29. Large non-planar graphs and an application to crossing-critical graphs (wirh Oporowski, Thomas, Vertigan) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 101(2): 111-121 (2011)
  30. Vertex-Bipartition Method for Colouring Minor-Closed Classes of Graphs (with Dziobiak) Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 19(4): 579-591 (2010)
  31. Transforms of pseudo-Boolean random variables (with Lax, Chen, Chen, Marx) Discrete Applied Mathematics 158(1): 13-24 (2010)
  32. Unavoidable topological minors of infinite graphs (with Chun) Discrete Mathematics 310(24): 3512-3522 (2010)
  33. Splitter Theorems for 4-Regular Graphs (with Kanno) Graphs and Combinatorics 26(3): 329-344 (2010)
  34. The box-TDI system associated with 2-edge connected spanning subgraphs (with Chen and Zang) Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(1): 118-125 (2009)
  35. The edge version of Hadwiger's conjecture. Discrete Mathematics 309(5): 1118-1122 (2009)
  36. On canonical antichains. Discrete Mathematics 309(5): 1123-1134 (2009)
  37. Unavoidable parallel minors of 4-connected graphs (with Chun, Oporowski, Vertigan) Journal of Graph Theory 60(4): 313-326 (2009)
  38. Generating 5-regular planar graphs (with Kanno and Su) Journal of Graph Theory 61(3): 219-240 (2009)
  39. Packing circuits in matroids (with Zang) Math. Program. 119(1): 137-168 (2009)
  40. Formulas for approximating pseudo-Boolean random variables (with Lax, Chen, Chen) Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(10): 1581-1597 (2008)
  41. A Characterization of Box-Mengerian Matroid Ports (with Chen and Zang) Math. Oper. Res. 33(2): 497-512 (2008)
  42. The complexity of recognizing linear systems with certain integrality properties (with Feng and Zang) Math. Program. 114(2): 321-334 (2008)
  43. Graph-theoretic method for merging security system specifications (with Chen, Lax, Chen). Information Sciences 177(10): 2152-2166 (2007)
  44. Asymptotic Behavior of Linear Approximations of Pseudo-Boolean Functions (with Lax, Chen, Chen) Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics 11(4): 403-409 (2007)
  45. Splitter Theorems for Cubic Graphs (with Kanno) Combinatorics Probability & Computing 15(3): 355-375 (2006)
  46. A Min-Max Relation on Packing Feedback Vertex Sets (with Chen, Hu, Zang) Math. Oper. Res. 31(4): 777-788 (2006)
  47. On Minimal Rank over Finite Fields (with Andrei Kotlov) Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 15 (2006) 210-214.
  48. On The Complexity Of Rooted Trees And Hierarchies With Possible Applications To Organization Design And System Architectures (with Peter Chen), WSEAS Transactions on Systems 5(3) (2006) 625-630.
  49. New bounds for randomized busing (with Seiden, Chen, Lax, Chen). Theoretical Computer Science 332(1-3): 63-81 (2005)
  50. Unavoidable doubly connected large graphs (with Peter Chen) Discrete Mathematics 280(1-3): 1-12 (2004)
  51. Excluding any graph as a minor allows a low tree-width 2-coloring (with Matt DeVos, Bogdan Oporowski, Daniel Sanders, Bruce Reed, Paul Seymour, Dirk Vertigan) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 91(1): 25-41 (2004)
  52. The best expert versus the smartest algorithm (with Peter Chen) Theoretical Computer Science 324(2-3): 361-380 (2004)
  53. Generating r-regular graphs (with Peter Chen) Discrete Applied Mathematics 129(2-3): 329-343 (2003)
  54. Partitioning into graphs with only small components (with Noga Alon, Bogdan Oporowski, Dirk Vertigan) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 87(2): 231-243 (2003)
  55. Packing cycles in graphs, II (with Zhenzhen Xu, Wenan Zang) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 87(2): 244-253 (2003)
  56. On interval clutters. Discrete Mathematics 254(1-3): 89-102 (2002)
  57. Packing Cycles in Graphs (with Wenan Zang) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 86(2): 381-407 (2002)
  58. Spanning trees with many leaves (with Thor Johnson and Paul Seymour) Journal of Graph Theory 37(4) (2001) 189-197.
  59. Surfaces, Tree-Width, Clique-Minors, and Partitions (with Bogdan Oporowski, Daniel Sanders, Dirk Vertigan) J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 79(2): 221-246 (2000)
  60. Partitioning graphs of bounded tree-width, (Joint with D. Sanders, B. Oporowski, and D. Vertigan), Combinatorica. 18 (1) (1998), 1 - 12.
  61. Chordal graphs, interval graphs, and wqo, Journal of Graph Theory. 28 (2) (1998), 105 - 114.
  62. Unavoidable minors of large 3-connected matroids, (Joint with B. Oporowski, J. Oxley, and D. Vertigan), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 71 (2) (1997), 244--293.
  63. Matroids arisen from matrogenic graphs, (Joint with P. Hammer), Discrete Mathematics 165/166 (1997) 211-217.
  64. Bounding the number of circuits of a graph, Combinatorica, 16 (3) (1996), Page 331--341.
  65. Unavoidable minors of large 3-connected binary matroids, (Joint with B. Oporowski, J. Oxley and D. Vertigan), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 66 (2) (1996), 334 - 360.
  66. On tree partitions of graphs, (Joint with B. Oporowski), Discrete Mathematics, 149 (1996), 45 - 58.
  67. Excluding a long double path minor, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 66 (1) (1996), 11 - 23.
  68. Some results on tree decomposition of graphs, (Joint with B. Oporowski), Journal of Graph Theory, 20 (4) (1995), 481 - 499.
  69. Bounding the number of bases of a matroid, Combinatorica, 15 (2) (1995), 159 -169.
  70. Graphs with not too many spanning trees, Networks, 25 (1995), 193 -197.
  71. On infinite antichains of matroids, (Joint with B. Oporowski and J. Oxley), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 63 (1) (1995), 21 - 40.
  72. Recognizing the $P_4$-structure of a tree, Graphs and Combinatorics, 10 (1994), 323 - 328.
  73. Bounding the vertex cover number of a hypergraph, (Joint with P. Seymour and P. Winkler), Combinatorica, 14 (1) (1994), 23 - 34.
  74. Monotone clutters, Discrete Mathematics, 119 (1993), 67 - 77.
  75. Stable sets versus independent sets, Discrete Mathematics, 117 (1993), 73 - 88.
  76. Clutters with $\tau_2=2\tau$, Discrete Mathematics, 115 (1993), 141 -152.
  77. Disjoint cycles in directed graphs on the torus and the Klein bottle, (Joint with A. Schrijver and P. Seymour), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 58 (1) (1993), 40 - 45.
  78. Disjoint circuits on a Klein bottle and a theorem on posets, Discrete Math., 112 (1993), 81 - 91.
  79. Subgraphs and well-quasi-ordering, Journal of Graph Theory, 16 (5) (1992), 489 - 502.
  80. Disjoint paths in a planar graph - a general theorem, (Joint with A. Schrijver and P. Seymour), SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 5 (1) (1992), 112 -116.
  81. Covering the edges with consecutive sets, Journal of Graph Theory, 15 (5) (1991), 559 - 562.
  82. On the maximum 2--1 matching, ACTA mathematicae applicatae Sinica, 3 (4) (1987), 305 - 312.

Proceeding papers

  1. Distributed matrix tiling using a hypergraph labeling formulation (with Avah Banerjee and Maxwell Reeser), 23rd international conference on distributed computing and networking (ICDCN) 2022: 62-71.
  2. Learning Terrorist Profiles by Optimization with Two Objectives (with Lax, Chen, Chen, Marx) International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE) 2009: 364-369.
  3. Fuzzy Clustering and Iterative Relational Classification for Terrorist Profiling (with Chen, Xu, Chen, Lax, Marx). IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC) 2008: 142-147.
  4. Empirical Comparison of Greedy Strategies for Learning Markov Networks of Treewidth k (with Nunez, Chen, Chen, Lax, Marx) International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2008: 106-111.
  5. Local Soft Belief Updating for Relational Classification (with Lax, Chen, Chen, Marx) International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS) 2008: 525-534.
  6. A Low Bound for Broadcast in Optical Networks of Bounded Treewidth Using Fewest Converters (with Yi and Oporowski) IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) 2007: 142-149.
  7. Comparison of Greedy Strategies for Learning Markov Networks of Treewidth k (with Lax, Chen, Chen, Marx) International Conference on Machine Learning; Models, Technologies and Applications (MLMTA) 2007: 294.
  8. Efficient Learning of Pseudo-Boolean Functions from Limited Training Data, (with Jianhua Chen, Peter Chen, and Bob Lex), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3488, Page 323-331. Title: Foundations of Intelligent Systems: 15th International Symposium, ISMIS 2005, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, May 25-28, 2005. Proceedings Editors: Mohand-Said Hacid, Neil V. Murray, Zbigniew W. Ras, Shusaku Tsumoto.
  9. Approximating Pseudo-Boolean Functions on Non-uniform domains, (with R. Lax, P. Chen and J. Chen), International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI05), Page 1754-1755.
  10. A Min-Max Relation on Packing Feedback Vertex Sets, (with Xujin Chen, Xiaodong Hu, and Wenan Zang), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3827, Page 126 - 135. Title: Algorithms and Computation: 16th International Symposium, ISAAC 2005, Sanya, Hainan, China, December 19-21, 2005. Proceedings Editors: Xiaotie Deng and Dingzhu Du.
  11. A new method for learning pseudo-Boolean functions with applications in terrorists profiling, (with Jianhua Chen, Peter Chen, and Bob Lex), 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Volume 1, (2005) 234- 239.
  12. The immersion relation on webs (Extended abstract), Contemporary Mathematics, 147 (1993), Graph Structure Theory, American Mathematical Society, Volume Editors: Neil Robertson and Paul Seymour, Page 517 - 524.

Some other papers

  1. Online MinCut: competitive and regret analysis (with Avah Banerjee), 2020
  2. Pseudo-Boolean functions, Lovasz extensions, and Beta distributions (with Robert Lax)
  3. On poset merging (with Chen and Seiden)
  4. A greedy heuristic for a generalized set covering problem (with Peter Chen) Rutcor Research Report 16-2008
  5. Packing of bipartite graphs (.ps format)
  6. Ordering the vertices of a graph linearly, Rutcor Research Report 53-1989.
  7. Threshold digraphs, (Joint with Chi Wang), Rutcor Research Report 50-1989.

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