- The Harmonic Representation of U(p,q) and its Connection
with the Generalized Unit Disk. Pac. J. of Math. Vol.129, No.1,
(Sept. 1987) 33--55.
- (with R. Stanke) Gradient Type Differential Operators and
Unitarizable Highest Weight Modules of SU(p,q). J. Funct. Anal.
Vol.81, No. 1, (Nov. 1988) 100--125.
- (with R. Stanke and T. Enright) Covariant Differential
Operators, Math. Ann, Vol.288 (1990) 731--739.
- (with R. Stanke) Szego Maps and Highest Weight
Representations. Pac. J. of Math. Vol. 158, No.1, (1993) 67--91.
- (with R. Fabec) Geometric Realizations of Highest
Weight Representations. (in Representation Theory and Harmonic
Analysis: A Conference in Honor of Ray Kunze (T. Ton-That, ed.))
Contemp. Math. {Vol 191} (1995), 13--31.
- (with R. Stanke) Ladder Representation Norms for
Hermitian Symmetric Groups. Journal of Lie Theory, Vol. 10 (2000),
- (with G. \'Olafsson, and Genkai Zhang) Laguerre Polynomials,
Restriction Principle, and Holomorphic Representations of SL(2,R).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae Vol 71 (2002), 261--277.
- (with G. \'Olafsson, and Genkai Zhang) Laplace and Segal-Bargmann
Transforms on Hermitian Symmetric Spaces and
Orthogonal Polynomials. Journal of Functional
Analysis, Vol 204 (2003), 157-195
- (with G. \'Olafsson) Differential Recursion Relations for Laguerre Functions
on Hermitian Matrices. Journal of Integral
Transforms and Special Functions, Vol 14
(2003), 469-484.
- (with W. Adkins) The Cayley-Hamilton and Frobenius Theorems
via the Laplace Transform. Linear Algebra and
its Applications, Vol 371 (2003), 147-152.
- (with G. \'Olafsson) The Generalized
Segal-Bargmann Transform and Special Functions. Acta Applicandae
Mathematicae, Vol 81 (2004) , 29-50.
- Generating Functions Associated to
Highest Weight Representations, Journal of Integral Transforms and
Special Functions, Vol. 16, No. 7, October 2005, 521-532.
- (with Michael Aristidou and Gestur Olafsson) Laguerre Functions on
Symmetric Cones and recursion relations in the Real Case, Journal of
Computational and Applied Mathematics.
- (with Michael Aristidou and Gestur Olafsson) Differential
recursion relations for Laguerre functions on symmetric cones, Bull.
Sci. math. 130 (2006) 246-263.
- (with William Adkins) Synthetic Partial Fraction
Decompositions, submitted to Mathematics Magazine.
(with William Adkins) textbook: An Introduction to Ordinary
Differential Equations, accepted for publication by