Welcome to the Web Home Page of George W. Cochran

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George W. Cochran
fill out the position
Degree Credentials:
fill out undergraduate degree information
fill out graduate degree information (if applicable)
Teaching Interests:
the information given here may contain a link to another file, say a syllabus.
Research interests: (if applicable)
the information given here should contain links to a few research papers (e.g.A great result).
LSU Service:
fill out the service
Office Location and Phone:
fill out office location and phone number
E-mail Address:
MailToIcon cochran@math.lsu.edu

Personal Information

This text may be replaced by the owner's manifesto.

The following are examples of links to other interesting pages:

To request a link from the departmental page to this page, or express comments or suggestions, send E-mail to webmaster@math.lsu.edu.