More information about my publications is available at: MathSciNet, zbMATH, Google Scholar, arXiv
- A Serre spectral sequence for the moduli space of tropical curves
- with Melody Chan, Nir Gadish, Claudia He Yun
- preprint, 24 pages plus appendix (arXiv, slides)
- Matroid schemes and geometric posets
- preprint, 20 pp. (arXiv)
- Homology representations of compactified configurations on graphs applied to M_{2,n}
- with Melody Chan, Nir Gadish, Claudia He Yun
- accepted for publication in Experimental Mathematics, 18 pp.
- (journal, arXiv)
- Supersolvable posets and fiber-type abelian arrangements
- with Emanuele Delucchi
- Selecta Mathematica, N.S. 30 (2024), Article #89, 39 pp.
- (journal, arXiv, slides)
- Supersolvable posets and fiber-type arrangements, FPSAC extended abstract
- with Emanuele Delucchi
- Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 91B (2024), Article #36, 12 pp.
- (journal)
- A generating function approach to new representation stability phenomena in orbit configuration spaces
- with Nir Gadish
- Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 10 (2023), pp. 241-287.
- (journal, MR 4546785, Zbl 1516.55013, arXiv)
- A Leray model for the Orlik-Solomon algebra
- with Graham Denham and Eva Maria Feichtner
- Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2022:24 (2022), pp. 19105-19174.
- (journal, MR 4523245, Zbl 1510.32069, arXiv, slides)
- Combinatorics of orbit configuration spaces
- with Nir Gadish
- Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2022:9 (2022), pp. 6903-6947.
- (journal, MR 4411471, Zbl 7524753, arXiv)
- Minimal flag triangulations of lower-dimensional manifolds
- with Andrew Odesky, Mengmeng Wang, Shuyang Wang, Ziyi Zhang, Hailun Zheng
- Involve. A Journal of Mathematics 13 (2020), pp. 683-703.
- (journal, arXiv, MR 4190432, Zbl 1467.05280)
- Combinatorics of orbit configuration spaces, FPSAC extended abstract
- with Nir Gadish
- Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 80B (2018), Article #72, 11 pp.
- (journal, MR 3940647, Zbl 1444.55008, slides)
- Note: This is an extended abstract of two papers (here and here)
- Representation stability for the cohomology of arrangements associated to root systems
- Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 48 (2018), pp. 51-75.
- (journal, pdf, arXiv, MR 3836246, Zbl 1401.52033, slides, poster)
- Note: arXiv version outdated
- Quadratic-linear duality and rational homotopy theory of chordal arrangements
- with Justin Hilburn
- Algebraic & Geometric Topology 16 (2016), pp. 2637-2661.
- (journal, arXiv, MR 3572342, Zbl 1373.55017, slides)
- Cohomology of abelian arrangements
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144 (2016), pp. 3093-3104.
- (journal, arXiv, MR 3487239, Zbl 1346.52008, poster, video)