Christin Bibby

Bibby Headshot

I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and went to college at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. I completed my Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Oregon in Eugene under the supervision of Nick Proudfoot, after which I was a postdoc at Western University in London (Canada) working with Graham Denham, and then a postdoc at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where my mentor was John Stembridge. I am currently a tenure-track assistant professor at Louisiana State University.

My research interests lie at the intersection of combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and topology. In particular, my interests include hyperplane arrangements; arrangements of subvarieties (eg. toric and elliptic arrangements); configuration spaces; matroids and geometric posets; representation stability. See also my list of publications and other activities.

I am supported by NSF grant DMS-2204299.

More information is available on my CV. You can also find me on MathSciNet, zbMATH, Google Scholar, arXiv, and Math Genealogy.