Jacobians of genus one curves

Jacobians of genus one curves.
Journal of Number Theory 90 (2001), 304–315.
Consider a curve of genus one over a field K in one of three explicit forms: a double cover of P1, a plane cubic, or a space quartic. For each form, a certain syzygy from classical invariant theory gives the curve's jacobian in Weierstrass form and the covering map to its jacobian induced by the K-rational divisor at infinity. We give a unified account of all three cases.
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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification
- 14H40 Algebraic geometry | Curves | Jacobians
- 11G05 Number theory | Arithmetic algebraic geometry | Elliptic curves over global fields
- 14C20 Algebraic geometry | Cycles and subschemes | Divisors, linear systems, invertible sheaves
- 14C20 Algebraic geometry | Cycles and subschemes | Riemann-Roch theorems
- 14H52 Algebraic geometry | Curves | Elliptic curves
Key words and phrases:
- jacobian
- invariant
- syzygy
- torsion packet
- genus one
- elliptic curve
- hyperosculation
- double cover
- plane cubic
- space quartic
- Final article available online at www.idealibrary.com.
- Preprint available for download from website of William G. McCallum.
- Corrigendum: In second sentence, change "the smallest positive integer" to "a positive integer" (it need not be minimal).
Related work:
- For an algorithmic solution using finite group invariant theory, see my doctoral dissertation.
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V (1954),
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8 (2001),
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(to appear).
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