Translation of Gulzar's A Tale of Two Lovers
MewwTom is/was (50-50 chances for both) a cathecatician - a machine that turns catnip into meta-theorems - who has seen the world from the shoulder of siberian tigers.
MewwTom's First Law: Nothing will change until you change it. (This is actually very close to Voltaire's interpretation of Newton's first law.)
MewwTom's Second Law:
MewwTom's Third Law: Everything has a cost; everything! Sometimes you pay it first and sometimes later.
The following result is immediate:
Box Meta-Theorem-I: Every person has a price. Pay that, and the person is your's.
MewwTom's Law of Fooling: The best way to deceive is: to deceive yourself first.
MewwTom's Law of Wisdom: One who wish to question the world, should begin with questioning themselves. (Compare Socrates from Apology: "A life without self-examination is not worth living.")
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