This list actually belongs to Prof. Mikhail Khovanov. I have published it here with his permission.
Brian Hall,
An Elementary Introduction to Groups and Representations
Peter Woit, Lie groups and representations
Notes for
Lie algebras class by Victor Kac.
Hans Samelson,
Notes on Lie algebras
Eckhard Meinrenken,
Clifford algebras and Lie groups
A brief summary
Root systems and Weyl groups, by Jeffrey Adams.
Online notes for MIT course
Introduction to Lie groups
H.Kraft, C.Procesi, Classical
invariant theory. A primer.
P.Cvitanovic, Group theory. Birdtrack's, Lie's, and exceptional groups.
David Vogan has notes on several Lie group topics on his webpage.
P.Garrett, Notes on miscellaneous Lie algebras and groups topics
W.G.Dwyer and C.W.Wilkerson,
The elementary geometric structure of compact Lie groups.