Math2057, Sections 5&6

Dr. Ling Long, 256 Lockett Hall, (225)-578-1677,
Office Hour:
Tuesday 1:10-3p.m. Thursday 1:10-2p.m., or by appointment
Class schedule:
Text Book:
Calculus, Early Transcendentals 7th Edition by James Stewart, Sections 14.1-16.9
Homework assignments will be posted at Moodle, please check regularly. If you are unsure about how to find them, please ask as soon as possible. Homework will NOT be collected or graded. However, it is extremely important to finish them.
There will be regular quizzes. Each quiz is about 15 minutes long, largely consists of problems chosen from homework assignments. Three lowest quiz scores will be dropped in the end. NO make-up quiz will be given. Altogether, quizzes worth 150 points.
There will be two inclass 50-minute-long midterms (Oct. 3 and Oct. 31) and one final exam. Each midterm worths 100 points and the final worths 150 points. No books or notes are permitted. The problems will be similar to those in the homework. To request any make-up exam, valid documents (such as physical doctor's notes or team travel notices) will be required.
There are 500 points in total. Your final grade will be your points divided by 5. Your letter grade will be assigned as follows: 90 -100 (A), 80-89 (B), 70-79 (C), 60-69 (D), Below 60 (F).
Computer Support:
The full power of Mathematica is available on many LSU computers, including those in the Math Department's computer labs and in the Library as well.
General Advice:
It is critical to attend all classes and not to fall behind. If you experience any difficulty, please see me or go to the tutoring room for help as soon as possible. You should make every effort to complete all homework in a timely fashion. It is your responsibility to catch up with missed lectures. You are responsible for the announcements made in clas, which may include changes to the syllabus.
Academic Integrity:
You are supposed to work on the homework or course related materials at least 6 hours per week after class. Students may work in groups on the homework, but your solutions must be your own. If there is clear evidence that a student has committed fraud to advance his/her academic status (e.g. cheating on an exam or quiz), your instructor will report to the Office of the Dean of Students, and the relevant exams or quizzes will receive 0 score.
Disability Policy:
Please address any special needs or special accommodations with me at the beginning of the semester or as soon as you become aware of your needs. Those seeking accommodations based on disabilities should obtain forms from the Disability Services (DS) located in room 115 of Johnson Hall (225-578-5919).
Free Math Tutoring:
CAS Center for Academic Success, Middleton library. No appointment is necessary, so drop in and they will be happy to assist you!
Private Turtoring:
A current list of available private tutors each semester os available in the Math Department at 303 Lockett Hall, the CAS website