Professional Homepage
Welcome! My mathematical research is in 4-dimensional gauge theory and exotic 4-manifolds, Chern-Simons theory, and symplectic Calabi-Yau 6-manifolds. In education I am known for a pair of textbooks for prospective elementary and middle school teachers. You can follow me on Twitter and read my blog on mathematics research and education.
Here is my most recent
curriculum vitae.News:
- Read my recent paper on embedded knotted tori in R^4 by going to my preprint link above. This paper describes a new way to embed tori into R^4 called a hypercube diagram and shows how that representation can be used to construct useful and computable invariants of the knotted tori.
This paper is a key part of
my work to understand smooth embeddings combinatorially. Earlier work with Adam Lowrance in one dimension lower lead to cube diagrams of knots in R^3, which can also be accessed at the link above.
Here is a picture of a cube knot:

For computer code to visualize and work with cube diagrams, go to
Check back soon for code to work with hypercube diagrams.
- Elementary Mathematics for Teachers and Geometry for Teachers,
two books I co-wrote with Thomas Parker of MSU, are available at
You can find instructor resources at:

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Scott J. Baldridge
224 Lockett Hall
Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
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