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  Honors, Grants, Recognition
  • Nominated by LSU to be a Rising Star of Academia, given by the Chronicles of Higher Education.

  • LEQSF-ENH grant, Overcoming Louisiana's Mathematics Gap: From Algebra to Calculus, $229,946 (2005--2006).

  • NSF Grant DMS-0506737, Conference in Honor of Ronald Fintushel, $15,000, (2005-2006).

  • NSF Grant DMS-0507857, Transfer of Grant DMS-0406021 to LSU, $57,163, (2004-2007).

  • NSF Grant DMS-0406021, The Topology of Smooth 4--manifolds, with Applications to the Topology of Symplectic 4--Manifolds, $75,207, (2004).

  • Research fellowship, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (Spring Program), (2003).

  • Research consultant, Michigan State University, $5000 (2001).

  • Research fellowship, Park City Mathematics Institute, IAS, (2001).

  • Dissertation completion fellowship, College of Natural Sciences, Michigan State University, (2001).

  • Graduate student teaching award, Michigan State University, (1998). 

  • Research grant, Steelcase Corporation, $10,000, (1996).

  • Special distinction for outstanding thesis, Kettering University, (1993).

  • Sigma Alpha Chi Honorary Management Society, (1992).



Scott J. Baldridge
224 Lockett Hall
Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803