Course Information for Math 3002
Math Tutoring Experience
Time and place:
Thursday, 4:10--5:00p.m., 205 Prescott Hall
Thursday, 5:00-6:00p.m., 205 Prescott Hall
Scott Baldridge
Office Hours:
Monday and Wednesdays, 12:00--1:30p.m., or by appointment.
224 Lockett Hall |
Teaching Assistant: |
A good college calculus textbook.
Prerequisites: Math 3001 and
concurrent enrollment in EDCI 3002.
Assessment: The final course grade will be determined
as follows:
20% Class attendance and participation
50% Mentor Tutoring Experience
15% Midterm examination
15% Final examination
Grading guidelines +90% A, 89-80% B, 79 – 70% C, 69 – 60% D,
-60% F.
Topics covered by the course: We will review
tricky issues which occur in trigonometry and calculus.
Written work: We write to communicate. Please bear
this in mind as you complete homework assignments and take
exams. Work must be neat and legible to receive consideration.
You must explain your work in order to obtain full credit; an
assertion is not an answer. For specific suggestions see
A guide to writing in mathematics classes.
Disabilities: Students with disabilities who will be
taking this course and may need disability-related classroom
accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see the
instructor as soon as possible.
Helpful Information:
- Syllabus for 3002.
- Midterm exam is tentatively scheduled for TBA, in the normal meeting room.
- Final Exam is scheduled for TBA.