REU 2006 Announcement
Math REU

REU 2006 Announcement

Neal Stoltzfus , Robert Perlis and William Hoffman of the LSU Math Department will direct an REU in the summer of 2006.

Summer 2006 Program Dates: 5 June thru 28 July, 2006

2006: Toric Varieties, Ihara Zeta Functions of Graphs, Dessins (2-dimensional ribbon/fat graphs) Braids and Knot Theory

We will explore the interaction of several areas of mathematics centering around group actions, graphs and polyhedra, braids and knots. More details are found under Topics below. Here are links to further information and the application process:

Our program Structure

Mathematical Topics

Application Forms: Online Application or Email Application Form

Your complete application consists of the following:
  1. Completed application form (online or emailed to )
  2. Recommendations from two mathematicians
  3. Copy of your college transcript.
Send by email or U.S. Mail to the following address:

LSU Math REU-2006
Attn: Neal W. Stoltzfus
Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4918

Applications received by Febuary 25, 2006 will be evaluated first but applications will be considered when completed as long as places are available.

For further information:

Or contact one of the directors:

Neal Stoltzfus <>, William Hoffman or Robert Perlis

REU Page
Last Update: 21 January, 2006