Papers that have been published:
- On the skein module of the product of a surface and a circle
(with Gregor Masbaum). Proc.AMS(2019), no. 9. 4091 - 4106
- On the Kauffman bracket skein module of the 3-torus. Indiana
University Math. Jour, 67 (2018) 993-998
- Signatures of real algebraic curves via plumbing diagrams (with
Stepan Yu. Orevkov), Jour. Knot Th. Ramif., 27, (2018) 1840003 (33 pages)
- An application of TQFT to modular representation theory (with
Gregor Masbaum), Invent. Math., 210, (2017): 510-530
- Signature Jumps and Alexander Polynomials for Links (with Charles
Livingston), Proc. AMS, 144, (2016) 5407--5417
- Even and odd Kauffman bracket ideals for genus-1 tangles (with
Susan M. Abernathy), New York J. Math. 22 (2016) 1039-1053
- Integral TQFT and modular representations (with Gregor
Masbaum). Oberwolfach Reports, No 30, (2015), 1713
- Two functions on Sp(g,R), Comptes Rendus - Mathematique 353,
Issue 6, (2015), 477-481
- Irreducible factors of modular representations of mapping
class groups arising in Integral TQFT.(with Gregor Masbaum), Quantum
Topology, 5, Issue 2, 2014, 225-258
- Extra structure and the universal construction for the
Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev TQFT,
(with Xuanye Wang) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 142 (2014), 2915-2920.
- Maslov Index, Lagrangians, Mapping Class Groups and TQFT (with
Gregor Masbaum), Forum Math. 25 (2013), no. 5, 1067-1106.
- On surgery curves for genus one slice knots (with Charles
Livingston), Pac. J. Math. Vol. 265 (2013), No. 2, 405-425
- On the Turaev-Viro endomorphism, and the colored Jones polynomial
(with Xuanting Cai), Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 13 (2013) 375-408
- Dimension formulas for some modular representations of the
symplectic group in the natural characteristic (with Gregor
Masbaum), J. Pure Appl. Algebra 217 (2013), no. 1, 82--86.
- The nonorientable four-genus of knots (with Charles
Livingston), J. London Math. Soc. (2) 84 (2011) 559--577
- Integral TQFT for a one-holed torus (with Gregor Masbaum), Pacific Journal vol 252 No 1 (2011), 93--112.
- Heegaard genus, cut number, weak p-congruence, and quantum invariants, J. Knot Th and Ramif.,
vol 18, No.10 (2009) 1359-1368
- Quantum invariants and free Z_{p^2}-actions on 3-manifolds (with Khaled Qazaqzeh), Acta Mat. Vietnamica
33, No 3, (2008), 279--290
- Remarks on Congruence of 3-manifolds, J. Knot Th and Ramif. 16,
(2007), 1357 -- 1360
- Integral Lattices in TQFT, (with Gregor Masbaum),
Annales Scientifiques de l'Ecole Normale Superieure, 40, (2007),
- Congruence and Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds, Algebraic &
Geometric Topology, 7 (2007), 1767--1790
- Arf invariants of real algebraic curves, Pacific J Math.,
230,(2007), 297--313
- On the Kauffman bracket skein module of the quaternionic manifold (with John Harris), J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 16, (2007) 103--125
- On the Frohman Kania-Bartoszynska ideal,
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 141, (2006), 265-271
- The parity of the Maslov index and the even cobordism category,
(with Khaled Qazaqzeh), Fund. Math. 188 (2005), 95-102
- Integrality for TQFTs, Duke Math J, 125 (2004), no. 2, 389--413
- Integral bases for TQFT modules and unimodular representations of
mapping class groups. (with Gregor Masbaum, Paul van Wamelen),
Comment. Math. Helv. 79 (2004), no. 2, 260--284
- On the slice genus of links, (with Vincent Florens),
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 3, (2003), 905-920
- 3-manifold invariants and periodicity of homology spheres,
(with Joanna Kania-Bartoszynska, and Jozef Przytycki), Algebraic &
Geometric Topology, 2, (2002), 825-842
- The Homflypt skein module of a connected sum of 3-manifolds (with Jianyuan Zhong) ,
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 1, (2001), 605-625
- On the Homflypt Skein Module of S^1 x S^2,(with Jianyuan Zhong),
Math. Zeit., 237 (2001), 769-814
- Floppy Curves with Applications to Real Algebraic Curves, in
Real Algebraic Geometry and Ordered Systems, ed. C. Delzell,
J. Madden, Cont. Math. 253, American Math Society (2000) 39-76
- Quantum Invariants of periodic three-manifolds, Proceedings of
the Kirby Fest,ed. J. Hass, M. Scharlemann, Geometry and Topology
Monographs, 2 (1999), 157-175
- On the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev representations of mapping
class groups, Proc. of A.M.S, 127 (1999), 2483--2488
- Topological Quantum Field Theory And Strong Shift Equivalence,
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 42 (1999), 190-197
- Skein theory and Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev Invariants of links
in lens spaces, Commun. Math. Phys., 202 (1999), 411-419
- A TQFT for Wormhole cobordisms over the field of rational
functions, Knot Theory, Warsaw 1995 ,ed V.F.R.Jones ,
J.Kania-Bartoszynska , J.H.Przytycki , P.Traczyk ,V.Turaev, Banach
Center Publications 42,1998, 119-127
- Turaev-Viro Modules of Satellite Knots , Knots 96, ed S. Suzuki, World Scientific 1997, 337-363
- Invariants for 1-dimensional cohomology classes arising from
TQFT, Topology and its Applications ,75 (1997) 217-259
- Real Algebraic Curves and Link Cobordism II, in Topology of
Real Algebraic Varieties and related Topics eds. V.Kharlamov,
A.Khorchagin, G.Polotovskii, O.Viro Amer.Math..Soc.. Transl.-( 2)
vol 173, Advances in Mathematical Sciences, (1996 ) 73-84
- A Method for computing the Arf invariants of Links, in Quantum Topology,eds:L.H. Kaufmann , R.A. Baadhio, World Scientific Publishing Co.(1993) 174-181
- Link Cobordism in Rational Homology 3-spheres, The Journal of
Knot Theory And Its Ramifications 2 (1993) 285-320
- Signatures of Singular Branched Covers, Math. Annalen 295
(1993), 645-659
- Classical Knot and Link Concordance, Comment. Math. Helv. 68
(1993) 1-19
- Discriminants of Casson-Gordon Invariants (with Charles
Livingston), Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 112 (1992), 127-139
- The Casson-Gordon Invariant and Link concordance (with Charles Livingston), Topology31 (1992),475-492.
- Real Algebraic Curves and Link Cobordism, Pacific J. Math. 153 (1992) 31-69.
- An Algebraic Link Concordance Group for (p, 2p - 1) - Links in S2p+1 (with Charles Livingston), Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc. 34 (1991), 455-462.
- Algebraic Curves in RP(1) x RP(1), Proc. A.M.S. 113 (1991), 47-52.
- The Duality Conjecture in Formal Knot Theory (with Richard Litherland), Osaka J. Math. 23 (1986), 229-247.
- Ribbon concordance and a Partial Order on S-equivalence classes, Topology and its Applications, 18 (1984), 313-324.
- On embedding 3-manifolds in 4-space (with Charles Livingston), Topology 22, (1983), 241-252.
- Slice knots in S3, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 34 (1983), 305-322.
- On the Slice Genus of Knots, Invent. Math. 66 (1982),
- Configuration of surfaces in 4-manifolds, Trans. A.M.S. 264 (1981), 353-380.
- Topological proof of the G-Signature Theorem for G finite,
Pacific Journal of Math. 97 (1981), 105-114.
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