A Brief Biography
Born: 1939 in Baton Rouge. Education: Baton Rouge High School; Rice University, B.A. 1961; Yale University, M.A. 1963 and Ph.D. 1966.
Wife: Mary McGehee; B.A., College of William and Mary; M.A. Middlebury College; French Instructor at the LSU Lab School until retirement in 2006. Stepson: Matthew C. Harris, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville; B.A. 2000, economics, University of Virginia; M.A. 2007, economics, George Mason University; Ph.D. 2013, economics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Stepgrandsons: Michael Carruth Harris, born October 2011; Christopher Brady Harris, born March 2013; and Virginia Ellen Harris, born September 2015.
Last dog: Sherman, a Schipperke, 6/2/90 - 1/14/02.
At the University of California, Berkeley: Instructor 1965-67; Assistant Professor 1967-71. NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculté des Science d'Orsay, France, 1967-68. At LSU: Associate Professor, 1971-79; Professor since 1979; Professor Emeritus since Jan. 2005; Chairman of the Department 1979-84; Dean, Division of Academic Services, 1986-90, during the time when LSU implemented freshman admission standards and first established electronic registration. Visiting Associate Professor Fall 1977, University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana; Visiting Associate Professor Spring 1978, University of Oregon. LSU AMOCO Award for Teaching, 1980.
In the American Mathematical Society: Member-at-Large of the AMS Council, 1981-83; Member of the Nominating Committee, 1983-84; Chair, Committee on Committees 1983-84. Member of the Graduate and Professional Financial Aid Council, representing the GRE Board, 1987-92.
Member of the Faculty Senate Committee on Admissions, Standards, and Honors in 1986 and 1990-1993. Coordinator, Louisiana Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Program 1985-1991. Member of the LSU Commission to Revise General Education, Spring 1994; the subcommittee on General Education, Spring 1995; the Committee on Pass/Fail, Summer 1996; and the Mathematics Department Executive Committee, 1997-2001.
Faculty Senate: Senator, 1990-1993 and 2000-2003. Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee, 1992-1993 and 2001-2002; Vice-President, 2002-2003; President, 2003-2004; Chair, PS-36 Committee, 2002-2004. Member and Chair Pro Tem, Senate Educational Policy Committee, Fall 2004.
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Co-author, with Colin C. Graham, of the book Essays in Commutative Harmonic Analysis, Springer-Verlag 1979; author or co-author of 19 research publications in Fourier analysis. Author of An Introduction to Complex Analysis, John Wiley & Sons 2000.